From stream to safety: how a new water facility is set to improve lives Read more...
Building on the success of the 2020-2022 project, the European Union has extended its collaboration with IRC Burkina through a €3.8 million initiative running until 2027. This blog explores the synergies between the two projects and highlights the ongoing journey towards achieving SDG 6 in Burkina... Read more...
This blog delves into the key concepts, obstacles, and potential solutions for improving local public action in water supply Read more...
Welcome to this blog post on the podcast series Accelerating Sanitation and Water for All, we hope that you will enjoy some of AFREAU's reflections, as well as looking back over the process, the people, and the podcasts of this very exciting series. Read more...
L'accès à l'eau est un droit pour tous. Et si nous prenions un moment pour faire le point sur ce qui fonctionne et ce qui reste à améliorer ? À Kornaka, IRC Niger a réuni les autorités locales et les acteurs du secteur pour une revue sectorielle, avec un objectif clair : transformer l'accès à l'eau... Read more...
The Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) of Ethiopia held a workshop to discuss creating an Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Regulatory Authority. The focus is shifting from construction to governance, with new guidelines and key performance indicators being developed. Rapid urbanisation and poor... Read more...
IRC Ghana joins the sector minister and partners to unveil the revised national water policy Read more...
Professional service providers must ensure safe, sustainable water and meet demand. But what does it take to be professional and raise the service standards for everyone? Stella Kwebiha shares the story of Midwestern Umbrella of Water and Sanitation in Uganda, and how it transitioned from being a... Read more...
Launch of the EU-funded 'Partnership for the development of drinking water and sanitation services in the Centre-West region' project in Burkina Faso Read more...
South Ari District exemplifies its efforts in strengthening WASH systems to the Joint Technical Review (JTR) mission Read more...
To integrate or not to integrate basic WASH services - that is the question Read more...
Almost 4 million people in 93 communes in Burkina Faso benefited from the project "Strengthening communal capacities to manage water, sanitation and hygiene" Read more...
Près de 4 millions d'habitants issus de 93 communes du Burkina Faso ont bénéficié du projet de « renforcement des capacités des municipalités du Burkina Faso dans la gouvernance de l'eau potable, de l'hygiène et de l'assainissement » Read more...
Asunafo South District in collaboration with Project Maji and IRC Ghana commissions solar-powered water stations at Pafo Nkwanta to serve the demand of seven communities Read more...
annual_report_2023_cover_photo.png Bosco Mwije is a plumber working for the government of Uganda’s Mid-Western Umbrella for Water and Sanitation Authority in Rweihamba, Kasenda. The government is committed to an ambitious goal: achieving universal access to piped water supply through public... Read more...
South Ari woreda is seeing successes in the implementation of the water safety plan in pilot kebeles. Read more...
This video shows how the population from the village of Sigriyaoghin, Tenkodogo district in Burkina Faso, is benefiting from a newly installed rural piped water system Read more...
This video of Banfora shows how the town council is implementing water and sanitation services for its population. Read more...
This is a story of South Ari Woreda's pioneering kebeles, showcasing their efforts in developing and implementing a water safety plan that has enhanced the safety, quality, and service delivery of their water and sanitation. Read more...
World Water Week 2023 will take place from 20 –24 August and is focused on innovation at a time of unprecedented challenges Read more...