IRC Associate | Senior sanitation specialist
Erick Baetings has worked for more than 25 years in the WASH sector. He has extensive working and living experience in Nepal and Bhutan (14 years), Zambia (4 years) and Lao PDR (4 years). For his current assignments he travels regularly to Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia.
This WASH project, in conjunction with CARE-Guatemala, was to develop a simple monitoring system to track diarrhoea prevalence over time, and to... Read more...
Apart from reviewing the CARE monitoring system, and providing recommendations on how to improve it, the report looks into other activities related... Read more...
This booklet has been written for planners and managers of water supply and sanitation projects and programmes as well as for national institutions,... Read more...
The Mexico workshop addressed questions identified during the first workshop in El Salvador, in 1993. These referred to the production of improved... Read more...