Former IRC focus country | 2007-2023
Achieving scale through associations of municipalities
Small municipalities struggle to support water supplies in rural areas; they are simply too small to provide technical services. The mancomunidad model offers a solution. Read more...
In de nasleep van orkaan Eta steunen IRC en Water For People de oproep van de Hondurese overheid aan de internationale gemeenschap en roepen ze op tot onmiddellijke actie voor de wederopbouw van talloze water en sanitaire voorzieningen die door de oorkaan verwoest zijn. Read more...
In the wake of Hurricane Eta, IRC and Water For People support government appeal and call for immediate action to restore a decade's worth of water and sanitation development in Honduras Read more...
Deputy Edgardo Martínez has been nominated by organisations in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector in Honduras to be their spokesperson in National Congress. Read more...
The Roundtable for WASH in Emergencies meets every two weeks to monitor progress of the emergency response plan. Read more...
A stakeholder network has formulated a WASH response to the pandemic in Honduras as contribution to the broader public health response; and continued public service delivery. Read more...
Last week, the Para Todos, Por Siempre (Everyone, Forever) initiative presented its results over 2019. It led me to reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly of our experiences with monitoring in Honduras. Read more...
This annual report reflects on 2018, the second year of our refreshed strategy, which focuses on the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 6... Read more...
An internal document that is made available for information, transparency and accountability. Read more...
"El agua debe ser incolora en todos los aspectos, es decir que tampoco debe tener color político, ni debe verse como un medio para ganar votos, nuestra única motivación debe ser garantizar ese derecho humano de acceso al agua, para todos y por siempre". Alcalde de San Antonio de Cortés. Read more...
Showing the first steps of implementing IRC's Strategy Framework 2017-2030 to build resilient WASH systems to deliver Sustainable Development Goal 6... Read more...
Con el apoyo del IRC, El movimiento de PARA TODOS POR SIEMPRE, publica su informe de monitoreo y evaluación del año 2017, en dicho documento se analiza el estado de los municipios PTPS en comparación con los datos de la línea base del 2016, este análisis se hizo tanto en sus indicadores de PARA... Read more...
As countries, regions and municipalities are making plans to reach universal access to WASH services, a frequently heard question is how much does it actually cost to provide services to everyone in the area? This week's "weekly WASH graph" will provide some magic numbers of the costs of reaching '... Read more...
"You are doing well—keep on going 'en derechura'", said a community member of about 70 years old, when we wanted to confirm if we were on the right track with the municipality of Candelaria. I had never heard of the expression "en derechura" before, but it quite accurately expresses what is... Read more...
"Van bien, sigan en derechura" nos dijo un comunitario de unos 70 años, cuando queríamos confirmar que íbamos por el camino correcto hacia el municipio de Candelaria. La expresión "en derechura" nunca antes la había escuchado, sin embargo, expresa muy bien lo que está sucediendo con el costeo de... Read more...
The motto of the Sustainable Development Goals is "leaving no one behind". For water and sanitation this implies that all people – including those families who live in the last house on top of the mountain - must have access to water and sanitation services. Water For People and IRC in Honduras... Read more...
El lema de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible es "no dejar a nadie atrás". Para el objetivo de agua y saneamiento implica que todas las personas – hasta las que viven en la casa más alejada, en la cima de una montaña – deben de tener acceso a dichos servicios. El proyecto "modelos de... Read more...