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Found 23551 results
R. W. S. S. I. Rural Wate Initiative, Initiative pour l'alimentation en eau et l'assainissement en milieu rural (iaear) : réunion de lancement du comité de coordination de l'iaear 26-... Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Initiative, RWSSI, Tunis, Tunisia, p. ii, 10, xv p.; ill., 2013.
F. A. O. Food and A. Nations, Insignia del agua. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), S.l., p. 95 p.; ill., 2013.
S. Smits, Uytewaal, E., en Sturzenegger, G., Institutionalising the monitoring of rural water supply services in Latin America; lessons from El Salvador, Honduras and Paraguay (Symposium 2013, Topic 2), in IRC Symposium 2013 : monitoring sustainable WASH service delivery, 9 to 11 April 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia : symposium papers, s.l., 2013, p. 16 p., 15 Ref.
S. Smits, Uytewaal, E., en Sturzenegger, G., Institutionalising the monitoring of rural water supply services in Latin America : lessons from El Salvador, Honduras and Paraguay : a paper presen.., presented at the 2013-04-09, S.l., 2013, p. 16 p.; 1 fig.; 2 tab.; 4 boxes.
S. Smits, Uytewaal, E., en Sturzenegger, G., Institutionalizing monitoring of rural water services in Latin America : lessons from El Salvador, Honduras and Paraguay, vol. 526. Inter-American Development Bank and IRC, Washington, DC, USA, p. 19 p. : 5 boxes, 1 fig., 2 tab., 2013.
D. Giardina, Prandini, F., en Sorlini, S., Integrated assessment of the water, sanitation and hygiene situation in Haitian schools in the time of emergency, Sustainability, pp. p. 3702-3721; 7 tab.; 5 fig., 2013.
M. Bassan, Mbéguéré, M., Tchonda, T., Zabsonre, F., en Strande, L., Integrated faecal sludge management scheme for the cities of Burkina Faso, vol. 3, nr. 2, pp. 216-221 : 1 fig., 2013.
Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM): Toward Diversification and Sustainability, vol. 1. Global Water Partnership (GWP), Stockholm, Sweden, p. 4 p. 2 fig., 2013.
F. R. de Cilloniz, Rodriguez, A., en Cisneros, R., Integrating Behavior Change and Hygiene in Public Policy: four key dimensions, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, Washington, DC., 2013.
WASHplus, Integrating WASH into NTD programs : Bangladesh country assessment, WASHplus Project, fhi360, Washington, DC, USA, 2013.
USAID -Washington, DC, US, Integrating water, sanitation, and hygiene into nutrition programming. USAID, Washington, DC, USA, p. 6 p.; 1 fig.; 4 photographs, 2013.
International journal of water governance [IJWG]. Baltzer Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013.
M. Lemma, International Monitoring Sustainable WASH Service Delivery Symposium kicks off, The Ethiopian Herald . Ethiopian Press Agency, EPA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 1 p.; 1 photograph, 2013.
V. K. Baby en Smits, S., Islands of success: addressing sustainability in West-Bengal, India. p. 4, 2013.
S. Smits en Baby, V. K., Islands of success : towards water, sanitation and hygiene services for everyone, forever in Patharpratima and Sagar blocks, West Bengal, India, vol. 5. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 52 p.; 8 tab.; 5 fig.; 7 photographs, 2013.
J. Pels, Knowledge management for WA-WASH and beyond in FY2, vol. 2. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 21 p.; ill.; tab.; 7 fig.; 1 tab., 2013.
W. H. O. World Heal Organization, La recherché pour la couverture sanitaire universelle : rapport sur la santé dans le monde 2013. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. xvii, 159 p.; tab.; fig.; boxes, 2013.
A. Gaspar, La recherches des fuites d’eau, Johanet. s.l.: Editions Johanet, 2013, p. 230 p., .
R. Abdelrahman en Jagerskog, A., A last ditch effort to save the Jordan river, Stockholm waterfront, pp. p. 6 - 8, 2013.
C. Pezon en Bassono, R., Le coût de l’approvisionnement en eau par PMH au Sahel, vol. 1. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 41 p.; 36 tab., 2013.
Le projet de descriptif de programme de pays relatif au Niger , UNICEF, s.l., 2013.
TripleS, Learning alliances : what, why, how, who?, Uganda : presentation for Triple-S ARAP experiments symposium 6th-11th May 2013 in Fort Portal, Uganda. Sustainable Services at Scale : Triple‐S Uganda, Uganda, p. 13 slides, 2013.
L'hygiène à l'école : pratiques essentielles à promouvoir, UNICEF, Bamako, Mali, 2013.
Liberia water supply, sanitation and hygiene WASH sector investment plan 2012 - 2017 : summary report. Liberia WASH Consortium, Monrovia, Liberia, p. 65 p.; fig.; tab.; boxes, 2013.
Y. Shimizu, The life cycle CO2 (LCCO2) evaluation of retrofits for water-saving fittings, Water, pp. p. 629 - 637; 11 fig.; 2 tab., 2013.


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