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B. D. Agbemor, Fact Sheet on User Satisfaction Survey - Sunyani West District. Triple-S Ghana, p. 2, 2013.
C. Water and CWSA) en IRC, Fact sheet on water service provider and service authority indicators and benchmarks. 2013.
E. Bakker en Boelee, E., Faecal sludge reuse interventions : the Arborloo and Fossa Alterna, vol. 4a. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 9 p. : 5 fig., 3 tab., 2013.
R. Nelson, Goemans, C., en Pritchett, J., Farmer resiliency under drought conditions, Colorado water : newsletter of the Colorado Water Resources Research Institute, pp. p. 2 - 4; 1 tab.; 1 fig.; 1 photograph, 2013.
Fiches d'information niveau de service d'eau potable. 2013.
A. Potter, Nansi, J. H., Woode, P. K., Nyarko, K. B., Dwumfour-Asare, B., en Naafs, A., Financial monitoring to assess cost effectiveness of sanitation and hygiene interventions Updated (Symposium 2013, Day 2, Topic 5), IRC Symposium 2013 : monitoring sustainable WASH service delivery, 9 to 11 April 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia : symposium papers. IRC, 2013.
G. Hutton, Financial sustainability and affordability of WASH services : indicator proposals for global monitoring : a powerpoint presented at the Monitoring S... S.n., S.l., p. 15 slides, 2013.
C. Fonseca, Smits, S., Nyarko, K., Naafs, A., en Franceys, R., Financing capital maintenance of rural water supply systems: current practices and future options, WASHCost global working papers, vol. 9. IRC , The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 39 p.; 5 fig.; 2 tab., 2013.
Wand Sanita Network, Financing water supply and sanitation services in Lagos State, Nigeria, Access to WASH [radio programm]. Water and Sanitation Media Network, Lagos, Nigeria, p. 27.40 min., 2013.
H. Lockwood, Fixing the sector, not just the pump: a systemic intervention in Malawi’s wash sector. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 4 p.; 2 photographs, 2013.
D. Bernet, Fleeing drought, Development and cooperation (D+C), pp. p. 214 - 215; ill., 2013.
Folleto IRC Centro Internacional de Agua y Saneamiento. p. 8, 2013.
J. Ulimwengu, Roberts, C., en Randriamamonjy, J., Food : need in a land of plenty, Development and cooperation (D+C), pp. p. 148 - 149; 1 fig.; 1 photograph, 2013.
A. Olschewski, Framework for Technology Introduction Process : the TIP guide. Skat Foundation and IRC, St. Gallen, Switzerland, p. viii, 24 p. : 4 fig., 1 tab., 2013.
J. Nansi, Desille, D., en Faggianelli, D., Francophone Session (Symposium 2013, Day 2), IRC Symposium 2013 : monitoring sustainable WASH service delivery, 9 to 11 April 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia : symposium papers. IRC, 2013.
K. Fogelberg, From adopt-a-project to permanent services : the evolution of water for people’s approach to rural water supply in Bolivia, Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp. p. 367 - 383; 5 tab.; 5 fig., 2013.
D. Sparkman, From beneficiaries to businesses to the big picture: Monitoring for sustainability in market-based approaches to sanitation. 2013.
A. Dubé en Carrasco, M., From CLTS to sustainable sanitation services : contributions, gaps, ideas for improvement : background paper West African workshop “Towards Sustainable Total Sanitation”, 12-14 November 2013, Cotonou, Benin, presented at the 11/2013, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2013, p. 15 p. : 3 tab.
J. Verhagen en Carrasco, M., Full-chain sanitation services that last: non-sewered sanitation services, IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2013.
A. Bastable en Russell, L., Gap analysis in emergency water, sanitation and hygiene promotion. Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF), Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance (ELRHA), Save the Children, Cardiff, UK, p. iii, 30 p. : fig. tab., 2013.
D. Naidoo, Gender and water : moving beyond the thin end of the wedge, The waterwheel, pp. p. 4 - 5; 2 fig., 2013.
M. Sheller, Galada, H. C., Montalto, F., Gurian, P. L., Piasecki, M., Ayalew, T. B., en O’Connor, S., Gender, disaster, and resilience : assessing women’s water and sanitation seeds in Leogane, Haiti before and after the 2010 earthquake , wH2O : the journal of gender and water, pp. p. 18 - 27; 2 tab.; 3 fig.; 4 photographs, 2013.
Gender equality and social inclusion learning brief, 2013.
P. Drechsel, Hope, L., en Cofie, O., Gender mainstreaming : who wins? : gender and irrigated urban vegetable production in West Africa, wH2O : the journal of gender and water, pp. p. 14 - 17; 2 tab., 2013.
T. Keatman, Getting communities engaged in water and sanitation projects : participatory design and consumer feedback. Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor, WSUP, S.l., p. 12 p.; 1 tab.; 7 boxes, 2013.


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