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Found 23550 results
S. N. V. Asia en IRC, Baseline preparations workshop in Bhutan, IRC and SNV, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014.
E. Baetings, Baseline preparations workshop in Nepal, IRC and SNV, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014.
U. S. A. I. D. United Sta Development en Benin, Pcorps, Boîte à Outils : Corps de la Paix au Bénin Ressources WASH, WASHplus, Peace corps Benin, USAID, s.l., 2014.
P. McIntyre, BRAC WASH annual review meeting 2014 : BRAC Centre for Development Management, Savar, Bangladesh, 26-28 March, 2014, BRAC and IRC, Dhaka, Bangladesh and The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014.
IRC, Water, A., en All, Afor, Brochure on Kenya Arid Land Disaster Risk Reduction project (March 2014). IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014.
A. Pruss-Ustun, Bartram, J., Clasen, T., Colford, J. M., Cumming, O., Curtis, V., Bonjour, S., Dangour, A. D., De France, J., Fewtrell, L., Freeman, M. C., Gordon, B., Hunter, P. R., Johnston, R. B., Mathers, C., Mausezahl, D., Medlicott, K., Neira, M., Stocks, M., Wolf, J., en Cairncross, S., Burden of disease from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene in low- and middle-income settings : a retrospective analysis of data from 145 countries, p. 12 p. : 1 fig., 8 tab., 2014.
M. A. Fulazzaky, Challenges of Integrated Water Resources Management in Indonesia , nr. 6(7), p. 20 p., Ref. p. 18, 2014.
D. Viaggi, Zanni, G., en Raggi, M., Changing perspectives on the economics of water, vol. 6, nr. 10. Special Issue "Water Policy, Productivity and Economic Efficiency", p. 9 p., 2014.
Y. - J. Kim, Kim, H., en Jeon, J. H., Characteristics of Water Budget Components in Paddy Rice Field under the Asian Monsoon Climate: application of HSPF-Paddy model, nr. 6(7), pp. p. 2041-2055, 2014.
M. Peloso en Morinville, C., Chasing for water : everyday practices of water access in peri-urban Ashaiman, Ghana, vol. 7, nr. 1, pp. 121-139, 2014.
R. W. Schweitzer, Grayson, C., en Lockwood, H., Check Up Program for Small Systems (CUPSS). 2014.
V. D. Nguyen, Sreenivasan, N., Lam, E., Ayers, T., Kargbo, D., Dafae, F., en Jambai, A., Cholera Epidemic Associated with Consumption of Unsafe Drinking Water and Street-Vended Water—Eastern Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2012, vol. vol. 90 , nr. no. 3, pp. p. 518-523, 2014.
G. L. Kayser, Moomaw, W., P.J.M., O., en Griffiths, G. K., Circuit Rider post-construction support: improvements in domestic water quality and system sustainability in El Salvador, 2014.
S. Smits, Classifying progress in rural water supply experiments. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 5 p. : 1 fig., 2014.
S. Smits en Schweitzer, R., Cobertura total, para siempre: herramientas de costeo de servicios de agua a nivel municipal. IRC, p. 46, 2014.
M. Snel, Collapsing latrines: how this was dealt with in the Pan-Africa Programme. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, 2014.
J. A. Maulit, Comment déclencher le lavage des mains avec du savon, IDS, Brighton, United Kingdom , 2, 2014.
Community management of rural water supply : Community Water Plus concepts and research methodology : summary paper, 2014.
S. J. Marks, Komives, K., en Davis, J., Community participation and water supply sustainability : evidence from handpump projects in rural Ghana, p. 11 p. : 1 fig., 8 tab., 2014.
J. Connaughton, King, N., Dong, L., Ji, P., en Lund, J., Comparing Simple Flood Reservoir Operation Rules, vol. 6, nr. 9, p. 15 p.; 13 Fig,; 2 Tab,;, 2014.
J. Crocker en Bartram, J., Comparison and cost analysis of drinking water quality monitoring requirements versus practice in seven developing countries, vol. 11, nr. 7, p. 14 p.; 6 Tab.; 4 Fig.; , 2014.
E. Tilley, Ulrich, L., Lüthi, C., Reymond, P., en Zurbrugg, C., Compendium des systèmes et technologies d'Assainissement (2eme édition), Eawag – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland, 2014.
E. Tilley, Ulrich, L., Lüthi, C., Reymond, P., en Zurbrugg, C., Compendium of sanitation systems and technologies 2nd edition, Eawag – Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, Dübendorf, Switzerland, 2014.
E. Shope, Connecting water, sanitation and hygiene with fresh water conservation and climate resilience : the need to facilitate integration in development assistance. Natural Resources Defense Council, New York, NY, USA, p. 12 p. : photogr., map, 2014.
C. Pezon, Costing water services in a refugee context : methodological report, IRC and UNHCR, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2014.


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