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Found 23551 results
A. K. Chapagain en Tickner, D., Water footprint : help or hindrance?, Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp. p. 563 - 581; 3 fig.; 1 tab., 2012.
H. Vaux, Water for agriculture and the environment : the ultimate trade-off , Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 136 - 146; 2 tab., 2012.
K. J. Rajeev, Water, sanitation and hygiene for arresting opportunistic infections for people living with HIV and AIDS, vol. 6. WaterAid, New Delhi, India, p. 6 p.; 4 fig.; 2 boxes, 2012.
J. Brown, Cavill, S., Cumming, O., en Jeandron, A., Water, sanitation, and hygiene in emergencies : summary review and recommendations for further research, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 11-29; 2 tab.; , 2012.
B. Sapkota, Bhatta, B., M. Ballav, W., Upreti, D., en Binks, A., Water, sanitation and hygiene is a connector, not a divider : an inclusive WASH case study, vol. 2. Nepal Water for Health (NEWAH), Kathmandu, Nepal, p. 10 p.; 3 fig., 2012.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -Seattle, WA, US, Water, sanitation and hygiene : reinvent the toilet challenge. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA, USA, p. 2 p.; 1 box, 2012.
International Committee of the Red Cross, Water, sanitation, hygiene and habitat in prisons : supplementary guidance. Geneva, Switzerland: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 2012, p. 79 p. : 20 fig.
IRC, Water sector scan of the Sunyani West district - Brong Ahafo region. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 13 p.; 1 tab.; 2 fig., 2012.
V. Casey, Carter, R., en Yeo, D., Water security framework. WaterAid, London, UK, p. 64 p. : 17 fig., 2 tab., 2012.
A. Blanc en Botton, S., Water services and the private sector in developing countries : comparative perceptions and discussion dynamics. Paris, France: Agence Française de Développement, AFD, 2012, p. 454 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.
L. T. Chimbar, Damasah, S., en Eyramh, S., Water services in Akatsi District. Sustainable Services at Scale : Triple‐S Ghana, Accra, Ghana, p. 4 p.; ill.; 4 tab.; boxes, 2012.
J. A. Atengdem, Gyamfi, P., Ewura, A., en Shahadu, B., Water services in East Gonja District. Sustainable Services at Scale : Triple‐S Ghana, Accra, Ghana, p. 4 p.; ill.; 5 tab.; boxes, 2012.
E. Effah, Azigli, G., en Amartei, G. N., Water services in Sunyani West District. Sustainable Services at Scale : Triple‐S Ghana, Accra, Ghana, p. 4 p.; ill.; 5 tab.; boxes, 2012.
Alliance of Religions and Conservation - Bath, GB, ARC, Water Source options : a hand-out for the ARC Water Schools Program. Alliance of Religions and Conservation, ARC, Bath, UK, p. 11 p.; ill., 2012.
Alliance of Religions and Conservation - Bath, GB, ARC, Water tank options : a hand-out for the ARC Water Schools Program. Alliance of Religions and Conservation, ARC, Bath, UK, p. 3 p.; ill., 2012.
Alliance of Religions and Conservation - Bath, GB, ARC, Water treatment options : a hand-out for the ARC Water Schools Program. Alliance of Religions and Conservation, ARC, Bath, UK, p. 9 p.; ill., 2012.
A. E. Olajuyigbe, Rotowa, O. O., en Adewumi, I. J., Water vending in Nigeria : a case study of Festac Town, Lagos, Nigeria, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, pp. p. 229 - 239; 10 tab.; 2 fig.; 8 plates, 2012.
P. H. E. D. Bhutan. Pu BT, Water-flushed toilets in Handbook on toilets in Bhutan, in Handbook on toilet options for rural households in Bhutan : rural sanitation and hygiene programme, Thimphu, Bhutan: Bhutan, Ministry of Health, Public Health Department, PHED, 2012, pp. 29 p. (10-38); tab.; fig.
P. J. Bury en Ousmane, T., WA-WASH knowledge management Inception workshop, Ouagadougou, July 2012 : a visual story. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 22 slides, 2012.
The way we work. 2012.
wH2O : the journal of gender and water. University of Pennsylvania, Department of Earth and Environmental Studies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, 2012.
R. V. Reddy, What ails rural sanitation and hygiene? Economic and institutional aspects of sustainable services in Andhra Pradesh, India, WASHCost India-CESS working papers. Centre for Economic and Social Studies and IRC, Hyderabad, India, p. 35 p.; 9 Tab.; 8 Fig.;, 2012.
K. Greenland, Cairncross, S., en Curtis, V., What can hand hygiene do for the world?. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK, p. 3 p.; 1 tab., 2012.
E. Perez, Cardosi, J., Coombes, Y., Devine, J., Grossman, A., Kullmann, C., Kumar, C. A., Mukherjee, N., Prakash, M., Robiarto, A., Setiawan, D., Singh, U., en Wartono, D., What does it take to scale up rural sanitation?. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, S.l., p. vii, 47 p.; 9 fig.; 6 tab.; 2 ill.; 2 boxes, 2012.
E. Feitelson, What is water? A normative perspective, Water policy : official journal of the World Water Council, pp. p. 52 - 64; 1 tab., 2012.


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