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Found 23551 results
S. Chessell, User story one, Sahapur Bazaar community latrine - Bangladesh. 2012.
S. Chessell, User story two, Sahapur Bazaar community latrine - Bangladesh. 2012.
Using FLOW to monitor water services in Ghana. 2012.
J. Ferdous, Ahmed, K. M., Sultana, S., Amini, M., Berg, M., en Johnston, R., Using logistic regression to model arsenic risk in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, SANDEC news, p. p.24; 1 fig., 2012.
vol.3(2012), no. 2, Challenges. Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Water Editorial Office, MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 2012.
M. P. van Dijk, vol.6 no. 3-4 : Shifts in urban water governance paradigms, International Journal of Water (Int. J. Water). Inderscience Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2012.
T. World Bank Manila, Volume I : Design manual, Rural water supply manuals [in the Philippines]. The World Bank Office Manila - PH, Manila, Philippines, p. 212 p.(paged per chapter); 12 tab.; 35 fig., 2012.
C. Pezon, WA WASH capacity building framework in Burkina Faso. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 13 p.; 2 fig.; 2 tab., 2012.
J. Butterworth en Guendel, S., WASH & climate change adaptation training module. IRC for UNICEF and NWRI, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. Fact sheets (60 p.); Training module (32 p.), 2012.
H. van Norden en Mooijman, A., WASH for school children : state-of-the-art in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA), Kathmandu, Nepal, p. vii, 52 p. : fig,, photogr., 2012.
M. Sommer, Vasquez, E., Worthington, N., en Sahin, M., WASH in schools : empowers girls’ education : proceedings of the Menstrual Hygiene Management in Schools Virtual Conference 2012. UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 36 p.; ill., 2012.
D. Silva C. Wells, Lieshout, R., en Uytewaal, E., WASH sector learning : continuous improvement for services that last. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 6 p.; 2 fig.; 1 tab., 2012.
V. Kurian en V. Reddy, R., WASH security in India: can the new policy guidelines deliver? critical assessment and operationalization of 2010 guidelines, WASHCost India-CESS working papers. Centre for Economic and Social Studies and IRC, Hyderabad, India, p. 36 p.; 9 Fig.; 2 Tab.;, 2012.
L. Koestler en van Lieshout, R., WASH Services for everyone forever : a proposal to apply the life cycle cost approach in Uganda. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 6 p.; 3 fig.; 1 box, 2012.
D. Bouman, Holtslag, H., en Claasen, F., WASH solutions for schools : a hand-out for the ARC Water schools Program. p. 39 p.; ill.; 8 tab.; 3 fig.; 5 boxes, 2012.
Global Water Challenge -Washington, DC, US, GWC en LLP, D., WASH sustainability charter assessment : organizational effectiveness and opportunities for improvement. Global Water Challenge, GWC, S.l., p. 45 p.; 18 fig.; 2 tab., 2012.
Various, WASHCost Burkina Faso fiche d’information. WASHCost Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, 2012.
WASHCost Ghana community reports, WASH Cost team, Accra and Kumasi, 2012.
W. A. S. H. C. India, IRC, WASSAN, en LNRMI, WASHCost India briefing notes. WASHCost India and CESS, Hyderabad, 2012.
S. Diener, Reiser, J. C., Mbéguéré, M., en Strande, L., Waste heat recovery from cement production for faecal sludge drying. Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG), Duebendorf, Switzerland, p. 11 p.; 4 fig.; 1 tab., 2012.
M. Kurian, V. Reddy, R., Dietz, T., en Brdjanovic, D., Wastewater reuse for peri-urban agriculture : a viable option for adaptive water management?, Sustainability science , p. 15 p.; 1 fig.; 9 tab., 2012.
U. Ministry o UG, Water and environment sector performance report 2012. Government of Uganda, Kampala, Uganda, p. xiv, xvii, 219, lxvii, 219 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; boxes, 2012.
Stockholm International Water Institute -Stockholm, SE, SIWI, The water and food nexus : trends and development of the research landscape. Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), Stockholm, Sweden, p. 38 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; boxes, 2012.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, Water and sanitation services at scale : meeting the challenges of sustainability : summary of a meeting in London on january 31, 2012. S.n., S.l., p. 18 p.; 6 fig.; 7 boxes; 1 map; photographs, 2012.
R. Noble, Smith, P., Pattullo, P., Brown, M., Cole, S., Slade, L., Latchford, R., Niang, D., en de Gama, A., Water equity in tourism : a human right, a global responsibility. TourismConcern : Action for Ethical Tourism, London, UK, p. 31 p.; ill.; fig.; boxes; photographs, 2012.


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