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United Nations Capital Development Fund -New York, NY, US, UNCDF
United Nations Capital Development Fund -New York, NY, US, UNCDF
, 2006.
Local development practices and instruments in West Africa and their relationship to the Millennium Development Goals : a synthesis of case studies from UNCDF Programmes in Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Niger and Senegal
, New York, NY, USA: United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF. Available at:
Publicatiedatum: 13/07/2011
Report on UNCDF’s experiences with local development and decentralization in West Africa. The report represents a synthesis of studies on UNCDF...
United Nations Capital Development Fund -New York, NY, US, UNCDF
, 2006.
Les pratiques et les instruments de developpement local en Afrique de l’Ouest et leur lien avec les Objectifs du Millenaire pour le Developpement : synthese des etudes de capitalisation des projets FENU : Benin, Burkina Faso, Guieée, Mali, Niger, Senegal
, New York, NY, USA: United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF. Available at:
Publicatiedatum: 13/07/2011
Report on UNCDF’s experiences with local development and decentralization in West Africa. The report represents a synthesis of studies on UNCDF...
United Nations Capital Development Fund -New York, NY, US, UNCDF
, 1991.
Activities of the United Nations capital development fund in the water supply and sanitation sector : prepared for the Collaborative Council Global Forum, Oslo, Norway; 18-20 September 1991
, New York, NY, USA: United Nations Capital Development Fund, UNCDF. Available at:
Publicatiedatum: 29/12/2004
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