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International Division for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Health during Emergencies and Disasters -New York, NY, USA, DIEDE
International Division for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Health during Emergencies and Disasters -New York, NY, USA, DIEDE
AIDIS -New York, NY, US
, 2008.
Gestión integral del riesgo para la protección de los servicios de agua potable y saneamiento ante las amenazas naturales
, (Documento temático / IRC no. 21 S) Delft, The Netherlands: IRC. Available at:
Publicatiedatum: 19/11/2009
Este TOP explica el concepto de gestión integral del riesgo, un enfoque estratégico y proactivo para anticipar, evaluar y manejar los eventos...
International Division for Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Health during Emergencies and Disasters -New York, NY, USA, DIEDE
AIDIS -New York, NY, US
, 2008.
Integrated risk management to protect drinking water and sanitation services facing natural disasters
, (Thematic overview paper / IRC no. 21) Delft, The Netherlands: IRC. Available at:
Publicatiedatum: 23/07/2008
This TOP explains the concept of integrated risk management, a strategic and proactive approach to anticipating, assessing and managing natural...
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