Lessons learnt from WASH First COVID-19 Response Project in Ethiopia Read more...
A much needed medical waste incinerator for safe disposal was commissioned for Ruteete Health Centre III in Kabarole District, Uganda. Read more...
A collaboration of experts has drawn up a new definition on menstrual health to advance advocacy and coherent action. Read more...
The deep divide between governmental health policies on menstrual hygiene and the reality on the ground during the pandemic. Read more...
Is hazardous medical waste sufficiently managed?
Material prepared by a team from the Ghana National Development Planning Commission and IRC Ghana Isaac Adita Principal Enrolled Nurse at Foe CHPS – now one of the most popular centres in the district for women to give birth Isaac Adita has been Principal Enrolled Nurse since 2016 - a time when the... Read more...
Vivian Kumah has been the lead nurse in charge of the community health planning and service centre at Gambia No 1 for about four and half years – and getting water had been a problem for almost the whole of that time. Read more...
Examples of how Asutifi North has become a beacon of hope for water services in Ghana Read more...
Smarter emergency measures against COVID-19 needed to ensure lasting solutions in service provision. Read more...
Reflections on developing a series of position papers which help to chart a path forward in Ethiopia. Read more...
This #GivingTuesday we give more information on the global status, what IRC does and could do. Read more...
White Ribbon Alliance aims for a 30% WASH access improvement at healthcare facilities in Chitipa, Zomba and Dowa, Malawi. Read more...
Guest blog by Kenyan menstrual hygiene management champion Daniel Karanja. Read more...
We joined hands with Amnesty International to raise awareness for global water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) challenges amongst 10 year olds. Read more...
During menstruation every woman wants to cuddle up in a warm blanket. However, women in certain rural areas in Nepal have to sleep in a cowshed during that period of the month. Read more...
My “little kid” excitement was sparked, when I participated in a session on WASH away from home. Read more...
Building on the success of the 2020-2022 project, the European Union has extended its collaboration with IRC Burkina through a €3.8 million initiative running until 2027. This blog explores the synergies between the two projects and highlights the ongoing journey towards achieving SDG 6 in Burkina... Read more...
L'accès à l'eau est un droit pour tous. Et si nous prenions un moment pour faire le point sur ce qui fonctionne et ce qui reste à améliorer ? À Kornaka, IRC Niger a réuni les autorités locales et les acteurs du secteur pour une revue sectorielle, avec un objectif clair : transformer l'accès à l'eau... Read more...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has partnered with IRC Uganda to improve access to water and sanitation services for vulnerable communities in Kabarole and Bunyangabu districts. Read more...
Almost 4 million people in 93 communes in Burkina Faso benefited from the project "Strengthening communal capacities to manage water, sanitation and hygiene" Read more...