IRC Associate | Senior sanitation specialist
Erick Baetings has worked for more than 25 years in the WASH sector. He has extensive working and living experience in Nepal and Bhutan (14 years), Zambia (4 years) and Lao PDR (4 years). For his current assignments he travels regularly to Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia.
Study on aid effectiveness in Honduras underpinning IRC’s approach based on the understanding that achieving universal and sustainable WASH services... Read more...
This overview provides a 10‐year lookback at the progression of advocacy for WASH. Read more...
Presentation on the potential and bottlenecks on private sector engagement in Ethiopia. Read more...
2015 and the Millennium Development Goals are almost behind us. The new global goals for sustainable development are expected to inspire and create a new determination for all of us. What has IRC learned during 2015 and how are we moving ahead in 2016? Read more...
The results of a sustainability check, monitoring service delivery in towns, satellite villages and institutions that are targeted in the ONEWASH... Read more...
Results of an initiative to monitor sustainability factors in towns in Ethiopia. Read more...
Innovation of sanitation master planning within the ONEWASH Plus programme in Ethiopia. Read more...
For the WASH sector as a whole to achieve greater impact, more organisations must address their gaps in organisational capacity and will need to embrace capacity development holistically and more systematically. Read more...
Implementing a highly successful rural sanitation and hygiene programme in East Indonesia has taught us some important lessons. The most relevant being that approaches designed and applied to implement a successful programme are not necessarily scalable. We learned that to be able to work at scale... Read more...
What are the challenges with Water Point Mapping? and what lessons can be learned from the failures? What about the future of Water Point Mapping?... Read more...
Webinar discussing the state-of-play in national level monitoring of rural water supply, with presentations also of country-led monitoring systems... Read more...
This Asian regional face-to-face learning event discussed ways to make behaviour change communication (BCC) for sanitation and hygiene promotion... Read more...
BRAC WASH has researched how to develop a viable process for faecal sludge-based organic fertiliser. Read more...
Safe disposal of children's faeces is as essential as the safe disposal of adults' feces and yet in most countries analysed, over 50 percent of... Read more...
This report presents an overall analysis of the current Ethiopian private sector landscape in water and sanitation, with case study chapters... Read more...
Communal wealth is one of the most important factors affecting rural water services, and household connections are the only technology which can... Read more...
Sustainability instruments contribute to better water, sanitation of hygiene (WASH) projects but still face shortcomings. Read more...
Development partners are giving more attention to professionalisation of community management, recognition of alternative service provider options... Read more...