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A number of tools for water, sanitation (faecal waste) and solid wastes can be used to develop a decision support/advocacy tool which can help planners identify the areas where faecal waste and/or solid waste contaminates the greywater/stormwater/groundwater.

TitleA review of tools and frameworks for integrated waste management planning and assessment
Publication TypeLiterature Review
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsMugendi, A, Dey, D
Pagination9 p. : 1 fig., tab.
Date Published07/2023
Place PublishedThe Hague, the Netherlands
Publication LanguageEnglish

Greywater, solid waste and faecal waste management have been separately handled over the years leading to negative effects on the public health and environment. The management of waste has been handled separately over the years. This has resulted in poor planning of infrastructure and the management of waste. Rapid urbanization and development in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) will increase waste production and the need to develop sustainable waste management solutions. Management of waste is important for sustainable WASH services, particularly for the poor and the most vulnerable. The review found that there are a number of tools for water, sanitation (faecal waste) and solid wastes that can be used to develop a decision support/advocacy tool which can help planners identify the areas where faecal waste and/or solid waste contaminates the greywater/stormwater/groundwater.

Citation Key90587




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