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Achieving SDG 6 depends on the Government prioritisation of financing water quality management, hygiene and sanitation promotion, prioritising WASH in COVID-19, rural and urban water supply sub programs.

TitleFinancing water, environment and climate change in line with Uganda's FY2022/23 planning and budgeting process : briefing paper
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsIRC Uganda, CSBAG
Pagination6 p. : 1 tab.
Date Published03/2022
PublisherIRC Uganda and Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG)
Place PublishedKampala, Uganda
Publication LanguageEnglish

Following an outlook of the programme budget allocation for FY2022/23, this briefing paper identifies key financing issues and recommendations related to: the low prioritisation of WASH in COVID-19 mitigation and response actions; delayed finalisation of the National Irrigation Master Plan; pro-poor urban water supply investments not matching the urbanisation rates; non-adherence of the FY 2022/23 National Budget Framework paper to Climate Change Act 2021; weak legal framework to manage natural disasters; lack of data; vandalism of monitoring equipment; and issuance of land titles in forest reserves and wetlands.

Citation Key88505




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