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A WASH system is made up of different people and organisations, so it's important that they all work well together.

TitleStrong WASH systems: playing the hub role
Publication TypeVideo
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsNarracott, A, Jaffrey, M, Brussee, P
Pagination3 mins 19 secs
Date Published04/2020
Place PublishedThe Hague; The Netherlands
Keywordsalignment, collective action, coordination, district, government, hub, partners, SDG6, stakeholders, systems, WASH

A WASH system is made up of different people and organisations, so it's important that they all work well together. Enter the role of the Hub, a person or organisation that connects, coordinates, and unites people around a common vision.

Meet these systems agents driving the change required to ensure clean water and safe sanitation and hygiene for everyone and learn about the importance of a hub.



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