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With water demand in India estimated to exceed supply by a factor of two by 2030, the sustainability of sanitation programmes is at risk.

TitleThe intricate relationship between water and sanitation : synthesis document
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsIndia Sanitation Coalition, IRC, TARU Leading Edge
Secondary TitleInsights series
Pagination5 p.
Date Published12/2018
PublisherIRC, India Sanitation Coalition and Taru Leading Edge
Place PublishedNew Delhi, India
Publication LanguageEnglish

With water demand in India estimated to exceed supply by a factor of two by 2030, the sustainability of sanitation programmes is at risk. This briefing note is a synthesis of an expert panel discussion on water for sanitation, which was held on 27 April 2018 in New Delhi, India, during the ISC-FICCI Sanitation Awards and Conclave 2018.  The India Sanitation Coalition, IRC and TARU Leading Edge organised the dialogue as part of the Insights series. Panellists discussed the current challenges for integrating water resource planning and management in sanitation programmes to ensure safe disposal and treatment of waste. Better institutional coordination and programme planning in combination with community engagement are considered key success factors.

Citation Key84979



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