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Published on: 04/10/2016

From 10-14 October 2016 the Water and Health Conference 2016: where science meets policy will take place at the Water Institute at UNC. Water and Health Conferences focus on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in a global context with a strong public health emphasis. This year's theme is domestic WASH in high income countries.

Conference topics include: drinking water challenges in underserved communities in the United States; water stability and sustainability for a changing North Carolina population; and enveloped viruses with WASH linkages such as Ebola, Zika and cholera.

IRC's sessions and side events

IRC will (co-)host several sessions and side events during the conference. For example, together with Simavi and Wetlands International, we will host the side event 'The role of advocacy to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): building civil society capacity for WASH and IWRM'. And together with the Osprey Foundation and Water For People, we will share the story of systems building during the side event 'Multi-country learning from Agenda for Change.' Furthermore, together with WSUP we will host the side event 'Domestic Resource Mobilisation for WASH: what can realistically be expected in lower middle income countries?'

IRC will (co-)host many more sessions and side events. Check out the event announcement for an overview of all the IRC sessions and side events. For more information about the conference visit the website or go directly to the online programme.

Water and Health Conference - Sharing knowledge

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