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Between 2009-2014 IRC through the Triple S project supported Ghana's rural water agency CWSA to build consensus around a new vision of adequate water services that are sustained over time and to develop an approach to make that vision a reality.

TitleFacilitating change in a complex environment: delivering rural water services in Ghana
Publication TypeBriefing Note
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsDuti, V, Korboe, D, Ayi-Bonte, V
Pagination4 p. : 1 fig., 4 photogr.
Date Published03/2015
Place PublishedAccra, Ghana
Publication LanguageEnglish

For rural populations to experience reliable access to safe water services, sector actors - policymakers, technical support agencies, regulators, service providers, facility owners, development partners and NGOs need to work in harmony, guided by an approach that emphasizes service delivery rather than simply extending the nominal 'coverage' of water infrastructure. 

Between 2009 and 2014 IRC, through the Triple-S project, supported Ghana's rural water agency, CWSA, to build consensus around a new vision of adequate water services that are sustained over time and develop an approach to make that vision a reality. 

This brief shares some lessons from how CWSA, pilot districts and partners were supported to navigate the sector's complex realities.


Includes 5 ref.

Citation Key81506




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