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Published on: 24/07/2015

Although very helpful for national stakeholders to take decisions and remedial actions, the golden indicators provide little information on the potential sustainability of water facilities and key background indicators that can be used to assess the reliability, the actual levels of water services being delivered to the population in rural areas, user satisfaction and technical backstopping to service providers.

The proposed SDIs describe the way in which water supply services are delivered and supported across the different levels of service delivery: level of the actual service delivered, level of user satisfaction, level of service management, and level of the service authority and support mechanisms. The set of indicators presented in this document apply to both point sources and to piped schemes. Below is a summary of all indicators and sub-indicators.

This briefing paper describes the process of developing the indicators and shows how they complement the golden indicators, tracking critical service parameters that were not captured so far, such as reliability, users' satisfaction or performance of districts. The additional information from SDIs for instance highlights that a district may have a functionality rate of 82% and yet users are only assured of getting water at any time from 70% of the systems.

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