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TitleWater supply : exploring the options
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsPhilip, R
Secondary TitleSWITCH Training Kit : integrated urban water management in the city of the future
VolumeModule 3
Pagination51 p.; 15 fig.; 2 tab.; boxes
Date Published2011-01-01
PublisherICLEI European Secretariat GmbH
Place PublishedFreiburg, Germany
Keywordstraining courses, water supply

This module presents an overview of water supply in cities and how this influences, and is influenced by, the urban water cycle and urban development as a whole. The aim of the module is to reassess the conventional approach to urban water supply and to examine an integrated approach that can lead to more sustainable management of resources. This integrated approach prioritises investment in reducing demand rather than increasing supply. When combined with source protection, natural water treatment techniques and the use of alternative supplies, such an approach can protect and enhance fragile water environments, reduce service costs and energy consumption, and even contribute to flood control and improved wastewater treatment. This module introduces a number of these alternative solutions. [authors abstract]

NotesWith references on p. 50 - 51
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