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TitleCommunity monitoring in water and sanitation projects : a facilitators manual : a PRIA publication [PRIA = Society for Participatory Research in Asia]
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsSociety for Participatory Research in Asia -New Delhi, IN, PRIA
Pagination48 p.; ill.; tab.; fig.; boxes
Date Published2002-12-01
PublisherSociety for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)
Place PublishedNew Delhi, India
Keywordscommunity participation, india uttaranchal, manual documentation, monitoring

This manual aims at creating a basic understanding of the concept, principles and steps of community monitoring. This manual is based on the work that PRIA was involved in that included facilitating the process of social development and monitoring, and for guiding the process of developing models for community monitoring linked to community action, for child survival and development in six project sites in India.[authors abstract]

NotesWith 5 references "useful readings"
Custom 1822


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