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TitleInf’eau : newsletter on water and environment : water catchment basin in Benin : Mono swallows Athieme = Inf'eau : bulletin d'information sut l'eau et lénvironnement : Athieme disparait sous les eaux du Mono
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsGlobal Water Partnership West Africa Technical Advisory Committee -Ouagadougou, BF, GWP-WATAC
Pagination22 + 22 p.
Date Published2009-07-01
PublisherGlobal Water Partnership (GWP)
Place PublishedCotonou, Benin
Keywordsdams, environmental impact, integrated approach, rivers, sdiafr, sdiwrm, water resources management, water supply

his document is the product of the regional workshop for journalists on the management of transboundary waters in West Africa held in July 2009 in Cotonou, Benin. The stories are a report of the experiences during the 5 day meeting and the field trip to Grand Popo and Athieme were the journalists discussed the challenges related to the management of the Mono River shared by Benin and Togo with local people and authorities.

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