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TitleUsing an integrated participatory modeling approach to assess water management options and support community conversations on Maui
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsBassi, AM, Harrisson, J, Mistry, RS
PaginationP. 1331-1348 : 1 fig., 2 tab.
Date Published2009-12-15
Keywordscommunity participation, policies, sdipar, sustainability, usa hawaii, water resources management, water supply

The purpose of this study is to provide an integrated analysis of water distribution on Maui and the cross-sectoral impacts of policies and regulations aimed at rejuvenating and sustaining the deep-rooted culture on the island. Since the water diversion system was implemented in 1876 on the island of Maui, there has been contention among local interest groups over the right way to manage and allocate this precious resource. There is also concern over the availability of the precious resource in the long term, as the demand for water is expected to exceed the potential supply of water on Maui by 2020. This paper analyses various long run scenarios of policy options presently being discussed on Maui. By collaborating with local experts, business leaders, and community members, to develop a tool that facilitates policy formulation and evaluation, informed decisions can then be made by the local community to ensure sustainable development. [authors abstract]

NotesThis article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable Water Management. - 29 ref.
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