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TitleTaking water and sanitation services to the urban poor
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsDelhi, INWater and
Secondary TitleCase study series / WSP
Pagination26 p. : boxes, fig., photogr.
Date Published2007-01-01
PublisherWater and Sanitation Program - South Asia
Place PublishedNew Delhi, India
Keywordsadministration, best practices, case studies, india, low-income communities, sanitation services, sdiasi, sdiman, water supply services

Some of the many examples of good practices and management from water and sanitation utilities, and other sectors such as electricity are summarized in this publication. These utilities have demonstrated imagination, resourcefulness, and commitment in their approach to serving the poor, with excellent results both for the people and the service provider.
Cases presented are : 1) Partnering for change : the slum networking project in Ahmedabad, where slum communities, as target beneficiaries, have joined hands with government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector to improve the slums and mainstream them with the city; 2) Electrifying change, a slum electrification program : in Ahmedabad, Gujarat’s largest city, municipal authorities have initiated a trust- and confidence-building exercise with people in informal settlements and slums to address the menace of illegal electricity connections; 3) Community response energizes work : sanitation in Alandur, where the municipality improved sanitation for slum dwellers through an inclusive approach that benefits all segments of the township; 4) Indigenous model shows the way : Bangalore water service delivery, where the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board experimented with service delivery in slums; 5) Stakeholder participation paves way for sustainability : slum sanitation program in Mumbai, an initiative giving slum dwellers and non-governmental organizations a role in the design, implementation, and care of basic urban sanitation facilities in densely-populated slum areas; 8) Partnering for power : New Delhi power limited, an initiative to rationalize power distribution that has proven to be a success.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1202.7, 302.7, 822




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