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Guidelines, methods and tools for use in processes of planning and dialogue within and between local and intermediate levels.

TitleThe EMPOWERS approach to water governance: guidelines, methods and tools
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsMoriarty, PB, Batchelor, C, Abd-Alhadi, FT, Laban, P, Fahmy, H
Pagination153 p.
Date Published01/2007
PublisherInter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management, INWRDAM and IRC
Place PublishedAmman, Jordan
Publication LanguageEnglish
ISSN Number9789957862466
Keywordscommunity participation, guidelines, sdipar, water management, water supply

This book contains guidelines, methods and tools for use in processes of planning and dialogue within and between local and intermediate levels. It describes a practical and logical framework of activities based on the involvement of those who use and manage water. The guidelines advocate a process of collaboration through dialogue, to bring about a change in the way water sector professionals and water users work with each other. The first three chapters of the guidelines act as an explanation of the overall approach. Chapter 4 contains a detailed description of the individual phases and sub-phases of the management cycle for the intermediate and local levels. Chapter 5 contains a comprehensive set of methods and tools for working with the approach.


Includes glossary

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