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TitleThe challenge of economic regulation of water and sanitation in urban India
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsGessler, M, Brighu, U, Franceys, R
Paginationp. 49-57 : 2 fig., 1 tab.
Date Published2008-03-01
Keywordsdisadvantaged groups, electricity, india rajasthan jaipur, institutional aspects, legislation, peri-urban communities, reform, sdiasi, sdiman

Through comparisons with the electricity sector, researchers examined how economic regulation might challenge the public providers of water in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, and what possible effects it would have on the needs for water and sanitation of the poorest. The study was part of a multi-country research project “Regulating public private partnerships for the poor” (2003-2005) funded by the UK Department of International Development (DFID).Economic regulation of the electricity has so far delivered positive results, including recovery of production cost through tariffs, better services to poor, and reduction in number of illegal connections. The national government and foreign donors are putting pressure on state governments to reform inefficient water utilities. However, government guidelines for water sector reform have omitted regulation.Given current reluctance to involve the private sector and to introduce regulation in water and sanitation sector, the study recommends several technical and management improvements that do not require significant institutional change. The focus should be on middle-income groups as they are expected to be more willing to pay for improved water and sanitation services.

Notes11 ref.
Custom 1202.2, 202.4, 822



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