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TitleAssessment of urine-diverting EcoSan toilets in Nepal
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsKathmandu, NPWaterAid -
Paginationvii, 72 p. : boxes, 6 fig., 18 photogr., 6 tab.
Date Published2008-09-01
Place PublishedKathmandu, Nepal
Keywordsacceptance, composting latrines, ecological sanitation, evaluation, excreta use, extension, financing, nepal, sdiasi, sdiman, sdisan, social aspects, technology, urine

Report of a study to assess the performance of urine-diverting EcoSan toilets in Nepal. The study shows that most of the EcoSan toilets are being operated and maintained in a proper manner and most of the toilets are clean and hygienic. The social acceptance of the technology is also very high as most users are satisfied with the performance. Although the initial cost of EcoSan toilets is slightly higher than ordinary pit latrines or offset double pit latrines, EcoSan toilets provide benefits in terms of fertiliser. There is a need for coordinated efforts and a clear strategy for institutionalisation and scaling up of EcoSan in Nepal. The main problem observed with the EcoSan toilets in Nepal was that 29 percent of the EcoSan toilets were not equipped with a urine collection tank. There are also some problems related to proper storage and handling of urine. As utilisation of urine is one of the main principles of EcoSan, this weakness needs to be overcome with better monitoring and training. The study recommends a number of measures as a way forward for regulating and scaling up EcoSan in Nepal.

Notes6 ref.
Custom 1822, 321.2



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