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TitlePoverty, health, and ecosystems : experience from Asia
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsSteele, P, Oviedo, G, McCauley, D
Pagination305 p. : 13 maps, 20 tab.
Date Published2006-01-01
PublisherIUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
Place PublishedGland, Switzerland
Keywordsasia, bangladesh, case studies, china, community management, ecosystems, gender, india, laos, malaysia, mongolia, nepal, policies, poverty, rural areas, sdiasi, sdipol, sri lanka, sustainable livelihoods, viet nam

Sixteen case studies with wide scope, geographical coverage and diversity of authors, examined the links in rural Asia, among 1) poverty, livelihood, and ecosystems; 2) poverty, health, and ecosystems; 3) poverty, biological diversity conservation, and sustainable natural resources use; and 4) poverty, governance patterns, and responsive measures to effect positive change for people and ecosystems. Links between poverty, health, and environmental resources are demonstrated. Factors that can drive the loss of environmental resources are investigated. Ways to overcome the political, institutional and policy challenges to tackle poverty and the loss of environmental resources are identified. Building coalitions and alliances, assigning resource rights, and furthering gender equity are examined.

The case studies from Bangladesh, PR China, India, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam cover local, national and international processes, and the underlying processes driving environmental change, including national level issues, agriculture, livestock (SARS and avian bird influenza), and ecosystems; wetlands and marine resources; and forests and protected areas.

The conceptual framework guiding the analysis focuses on people and households, particularly poor households, ecosystems and institutions. Poor people depend heavily on ecosystems for their livelihood. Collecting fuel wood, wild foods and other forest products contributes on fifth of the income of poor rural families. Improving ecosystem management and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity resources can further strengthen poverty reduction efforts in Asia.

NotesBibliography: p. 271-297
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