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This document focuses on how water supply and sanitation partnerships between professional service providers, civil society groups, and local government are structured.

TitleThe partnership paperchase : structuring partnership agreements in water and sanitation in low-income communities
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsEvans, B, McMahon, J, Caplan, K
Pagination34 p. : boxes
Date Published2004-11-01
PublisherBuilding Partnerships for Development (BPDWS)
Place PublishedLondon, UK
Keywordsgovernment organizations, institutional aspects, low-income communities, non-governmental organizations, partnerships, private sector, sanitation, sdiman, water supply

This document focuses on how water supply and sanitation partnerships between professional service providers, civil society groups, and local government are structured. It has been written for partnership practitioners grappling with the questions of when, why and how to introduce paperwork into the partnership process. In this document the generic term paperwork refers to both informal as well as more formal documents that describe how partners come together, how they interact, what they do and how their partnership is expected to evolve over time. The degree of formality required in the documentation is a result of a range of factors including local and societal norms as well as general practice. Rather than promoting more or less formality, this document provides guidance on how any form of paperwork can best support partners in their efforts to achieve their objectives. Through the introduction of a number of trigger questions, the aim is to get partners talking: addressing more clearly the issues that matter to them.

NotesIncludes references
Custom 1202.2, 302.2


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