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Contribution to the spreading of new attitudes about water that will encourage well-being and help the environment.

TitleSome examples of best ethical practice in water use
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsBrelet, C
Pagination56 p.
Date Published2004-02-01
Place PublishedParis, France
Keywordsappropriate technology, best practices, case studies, communication, community participation, ecuador, japan, legislation, nile river basin, philippines, sdicom, south africa, traditions, water use

Contribution to the spreading of new attitudes about water that will encourage well-being and help the environment. Five case studies are presented: the first from Japan on the protection of biodiversity enhancing the local autonomy and the local economy thanks to the participation of the local residents; the second from South Africa, on the introduction of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) providing a legal framework, which also aimes to develop civic responsibility; the third from the Philippines on respect for traditional governance and customs, foremost among them the belief in the sacred character of the forests; the fourth from Ecuador which includes a presentation of different techniques that are reliable and easy to maintain and use: desalination through solar power, lavatories cleaned by solar power and earthenware buckets and filters, and pumps operated by pedals or ropes; and the fifth on the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) that was launched in 1999, and which aims is to create an environment in which the parties can share their points of view and listen to others.

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Original PublicationL'eau et la gouvernance : quelques exemples des meilleures pratiques ethiques


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