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The links between advocacy, social mobilisation and communication are explained in this TOP with an example from an eight-year sanitation programme in Bangladesh.

TitleAdvocacy for water, environmental sanitation and hygiene
Publication TypeWorking Paper
Year of Publication2003
Authorsde Jong, D
Secondary TitleThematic overview paper / IRC
Pagination50 p.
Date Published2003-06-01
Place PublishedDelft, The Netherlands
Keywordsadvocacy, awareness raising, case studies, sdicom, ueik

The links between advocacy, social mobilisation and communication are explained in this TOP with an example from an eight-year sanitation programme in Bangladesh. In the section Why this theme matters, the key messages and the process of the WASH campaign are being described.

Valuable lessons for future advocacy work are drawn from:

  • global public information and promotion campaigns like WASH,
  • efforts of the international working group on Information, Education and Communication (IEC) of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council,
  • problems associated with them.

Integrated Marketing Communication for behavioural impact in health and social development builds on lessons from commercial marketing. To achieve a specific behavioural result for a specific target group a carefully designed strategic, integrated marketing communication plan is essential.

A set of examples of successful single issue-based advocacy campaigns is followed by the implications at different levels for planning and implementing advocacy and communication programmes, and what steps to follow. TOP books, web sites, and other on-line resources provide information about the experiences of agencies with special expertise in advocacy.


Includes references Includes annotated bibliography

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Citation Key55291


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