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This guide deals with solutions for managing surface water quality problems in East Asia, where the problem is growing. A variety of tools are mentioned of which the most important one is the numerical water quality prediction model.

TitleWater quality modeling : a guide to effective practice
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsPalmer, MD
Paginationxv, 157 p. : 37 fig., 2 tab.
Date Published2001-05-01
PublisherWorld Bank
Place PublishedWashington, DC, USA
ISBN Number0821348639
Keywordscase studies, china, guidelines, india, models, philippines, sdiasi, sdiwrm, surface water pollution, sustainability, water quality, water resources management

This guide deals with solutions for managing surface water quality problems in East Asia, where the problem is growing. A variety of tools are mentioned of which the most important one is the numerical water quality prediction model. This document serves as a guide to the utility and relevance of water quality prediction modelling. Examples from recent World Bank water resources and wastewater management projects are used. At the same time the guide tries to provide an understanding of the water quality prediction process and to evaluate the merits and cost-effectiveness of using water quality models in field conditions. The guide addresses a range of practitioners and is not meant as a comprehensive review of all water quality prediction models. Instead it presents a number of case studies from recent development projects to illustrate the number of ways in which water quality prediction models have been used. In doing so, it covers technical material normally found in more elaborate, but less accessible, textbooks. Moreover, it attempts to bring together information on models that are generally only available through an assortment of less accessible technical references. The guide is meant for those who need to apply the usage of water quality models in a project context.

Notes41 ref. Includes glossary
Custom 1240, 214.0



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