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Report of the investigation of the impact on child mortality of the privatization campaign Argentina embarked on in the 1990s as part of a structural reform plan.

TitleWater for life: the impact of the privatization of water services on child mortality
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsGaliani, S, Gertler, P, Schargrodsky, E
Pagination45 p. : 4 fig., 9 tab.
Date Published2002-06-30
Keywordsargentina, child health, health impact, low-income communities, mortality, sdihyg, sdilac, sdiman, tariffs, uebw, water authorities, water quality, water supply

Report of the investigation of the impact on child mortality of the privatization campaign Argentina embarked on in the 1990s as part of a structural reform plan. The program included the privatization of local water companies covering approximately 30 percent of the country's municipalities. Using the variation in ownership of water provision across time and space generated by the privatization process, it was found that child mortality fell 5 to 7 percent in areas that privatized their water services overall; and that the effect was largest in the poorest areas. It is estimated that child mortality fell by 24 percent in the poorest municipalities. These results suggest that the privatization of water services prevented approximately 375 deaths of young children per year.

Notes49 ref.
Custom 1827, 203.1



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