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TitleGotas de desarrollo : tiempos de aguacero sin perder ni gota
Publication TypeAudiovisual
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsBogota, COUNICEFReg, CO, CMinisterio
Date Published1999-01-01
PublisherColombia, Ministerio de Desarrollo Economico
Place PublishedBogota, Colombia
Keywordscolombia, efficiency, sdilac, sdiwrm, unaccounted for water, urban areas, water use

The video focuses on the importance of water through children's testimonies and on the importance of active water supply management by municipalities. In Colombia, at least 40% of the used drinking water is unaccounted for; in rural areas water losses may be as high as 60%. The inefficient use of water leads to bad usage of infrastructure, higher costs and decreasing water quality. The municipalities have an important role to play in controlling water use in order to improve the efficiency of the water supply as well as the improvement of the water supply service.

Custom 1827
Translated TitleDrops of development : raining time without loosing a drop

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