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This textbook deals with water supply and sanitation appropriate for rural and low-income communities in Bangladesh. It consists of three parts.

TitleWater supply and sanitation : rural and low income urban communities
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsRahman, MM, Ahmed, MF
Paginationx, 444 p. : fig., tab.
Date Published2000-06-01
Place PublishedDhaka, Bangladesh
ISBN Number9843109368
Keywordsappropriate technology, bangladesh, community participation, drainage, financing, gender, groundwater, health aspects, hygiene, institutional aspects, low-income communities, manuals, on-site disposal, projects, rural areas, sanitation, sdiman, sdisan, sdiwat, social aspects, solid waste treatment, use of facilities, wastewater treatment, water distribution, water quality, water quantity, water sources, water supply, water transmission, water treatment

This textbook deals with water supply and sanitation appropriate for rural and low-income communities in Bangladesh. It consists of three parts. The first part deals with the key elements needed for sustainable water supply and sanitation, including: community involvement and community management; institutional aspects; gender awareness; health, hygiene and use of facilities; financial aspects; and the project cycle. The second part reviews environmental sanitation technology, with chapters on: on-site sanitation; wastewater collection and transportation (sewerage and non-sewered disposal); programming; excreta and wastewater treatment; stormwater and sullage drainage; and solid waste management. The final part deals with water supply technology, including: water sources; water quantity and quality; water treatment; groundwater treatment (arsenic, iron and hardness removal); water transmission and distribution; and low-cost technologies (dug wells and tubewells).

NotesBibliography: p. 89-94; 291-294; 441-442
Custom 1200, 300



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