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UNCHS (Habitat) has been engaged in a project on the "Promotion of Waste Recycling and Reuse in Developing Countries", based on information gained from studies on the recycling of domestic waste in five Asian cities.

TitleA reference handbook for trainers on promotion of solid waste recycling and reuse in the developing countries of Asia
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsShrestha, DB, Loan, NThanh, Suraniranat, O
Paginationv, ca. 150 p.: fig., tab.
Date Published1994-01-01
PublisherUN-Habitat, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements
Place PublishedNairobi, Kenya
ISBN Number9748256189
Keywordscab95/5, case studies, constraints, income generation, india uttar pradesh kanpur, indonesia west java jakarta, institutional framework, manuals, pakistan karachi, philippines manila, policies, recycling, solid waste recycling, thailand bangkok, training, urban areas

UNCHS (Habitat) has been engaged in a project on the "Promotion of Waste Recycling and Reuse in Developing Countries", based on information gained from studies on the recycling of domestic waste in five Asian cities. This reference book, whi prepared as a training aid for training courses on the promotion of solid waste recycling and reuse in developing countries in Asia, is aimed at middle level planners, engineers, sociologists and economists. The publication is organized into modules. An overview outlines the present problems of solid waste collection and disposal and advocates an integrated approach to solid waste management including minimizing the production of waste, maximizing waste recycling, promoting safe disposal, and expanding waste collection and disposal services. Sections on waste management and separation of reusable waste materials analyse the problems, give solutions and discuss financial issues. The fourth section, key issues and con focuses on the reduction of the amount of waste, the maximization of separation at source, the promotion of small-scale recycling industries, and the integration of recycling and formal waste management. The section on the significance of re reuse highlights the economic, environmental and health, and social benefits to be gained. The sixth part, policy framework, includes the focus of policy implementation - sources and stages of waste generation; the policy interventions - cre awareness, use of incentives, and the development of legislation; and the order of priority. The section on organizational framework outlines the roles of local government, NGOs, the community and industry in addressing urban waste management. The last section, recycling processes, summarizes the environmental and economic impacts of the recyclables and the recycling processes, and the effects on working and health conditions as a result of the processes used to recycle organic wa and cardboard, plastics, textiles, glass and metals. It does not include in-depth technical details on any of the waste recycling processes. There are appendices summarizing the existing practices for the recycling of domestic waste in five cities.

Notes17 ref.
Custom 1343, 352.0


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