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TitleAppraisal of SIDA's role in the Botswana National Rural Sanitation Programme
Publication TypeMiscellaneous
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsBrandberg, B
Pagination24 p.
Date Published1991-09-01
PublisherSBI Consulting International
Place PublishedRattaregarden, Sweden
Keywordsbotswana, evaluation, national level, national rural sanitation programme (botswana), programmes, sanitation

Botswana has made remarkable progress in developing water supply systems for the population. Now, the national sanitation system program is being evaluated as to the best method for rapid improvement. A consultant was hired by the Swedish Development Aid (SIDA) to evaluate the most effective use of funds and other types of support. It was suggested by the consultant that SIDA appoint UNICEF as their Executing Agency, that three posts in the Ministry of Local Lands and Government be financed by SIDA, that three districts be selected for research and field testing, and that funds be provided for logistical support, operation, maintenance, consultancies and other subsidies.

NotesBibliography : p. 22
Custom 1824




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