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Published on: 19/06/2012

Dr K Tirupataiah, Director General, Water and Land Management and Training Institute, Irrigation Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh is responsible for developing capacities of staff of irrigation department and farmers in canal command areas. As part of his current responsibilities, he is always exploring the possibilities of improving efficiency and effectiveness of decision making processes.

In an interview with MV Rama Chandrudu, WASSAN, he share his thoughts on life-cycle cost approach that is applied in WASHCost (India) Project for WASH sector. He appreciated the WASHCost (India) team for applying this tool to WASH sector and thought that this tool brought a new dimension to the analysis of public investments in WASH sector. He also thought that this tool could be applied in other sectors, where public investments are made. This tool has the potential to support decision making system on investments and performance levels. He also wondered whether WASHCost (India) team could apply the same tool to irrigation sector and assess the efficacy of investments in irrigation sector.



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