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Published on: 15/03/2011

WASHCost India focus communities in Andhra Pradesh are presenting scenarios of how the governance of WASH services is a major challenge for local municipalities with rapidly growing urban populations. Can citizens find a way to better services by breaking rules and norms? Or would it be better to strengthen the way those rules and norms work, so that the municipality, the councillors and the households can work together to ensure effective services that reach the end of the pipe network?

Kishan and MV Rama Chandrudu of the WASHCost India team documented the typical scenarios that occur in the small towns and peri-urban areas of Andhra Pradesh with regards to the governance of water services. When community members in these areas feel that water services fall below expectation levels, certain people take the liberty of taking matters into their own hands in order to get the water that they need and want. Often, these actions go against what is permitted. For instance, anyone can approach the tap and take the water that they need. But often at times, some people do not turn off the tap and acquire more water than is allowed. This leads to the question of how can the local people and the governing bodies come together in order to create a system of accountability and fair accessibility? 

For further details on the scenarios taking place within these communities, read the full document below.



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