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A district challenged by non-functional water schemes

Negelle Arsi Woreda is located in West Arsi Zone of Oromia Regional State in Ethiopia. Its population is 347,974. Water is supplied to people through 36 schemes and 11 of them are non-functional. The reasons are complex – low construction quality, lack of funds for maintenance, availability of spare parts, a scattered population settlement, and water resource management challenges.  

Low service levels, high ambition

In 2021, it was estimated that only 2% of the population had access to safely managed services. 55% had access to basic services. 43% had no access to water. Negelle Arsi authorities have set a vision to drastically improve this. By 2030, the woreda aims to achieve 100% coverage of at least basic water supply, sanitation and hygiene services. This will be transformative. 

An aim turned into a costed plan 

The woreda WASH sector office has turned the aim into a 10-year WASH master plan, setting out the steps required to achieve the 2030 ambition including the cost.  The plan identifies new infrastructure requirements, monitoring and technical systems that need setting up, and which service providers require training. The master plan underwent a revision in February 2024. IRC WASH in Ethiopia is committed to supporting Negelle Arsi in the realization of ambition and plan.  

Read Negelle Arsi Woreda WASH Sustainable Development Goal master plan and learn about the process.

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