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Found 23551 results
Social dimensions of adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa working paper / World Bank. .
Social forestry research digest. .
Social indicators research. .
Rural Village Water Resource Management Project -Dhangadhi, NP, RVWRMP, Social mobilization guideline : rural village water resource management project (RVWRMP) working paper . Rural Village Water Resource Management Project, RVWRMP, S.l., p. 25 p.; 6 annexes; tab.;fig.
Social Research Center research series. .
Social science and medicine. Elsevier Science, S.l.
Social science and medicine. .
M. Joffe, Hoffman, R., en Brown, M., Sociétés africaines d’eau : rapport d’étude comparative régional sur la solvabilité des services d’utilités publics : rapports individuels d’études sur la solvabilité de sept sociétés africaines d’eau réalisées par Global Credit Rating Co.. p. 120 p.; ill.; tab.; boxes; photographs; annexes.
Society and natural resources. .
Society for Applied Bacteriology : Letters in applied microbiology. .
G. B. Natural Re Greenwich, Socio-economic methodologies for natural resources research : best practice guidelines . Greenwich, UK: Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich.
Socio-economic studies report. .
Sociologia ruralis. .
Sodis news No.4. .
Solar and wind technology. .
United Nations -New York, NY, US, Solar distillation as a means of meeting small-scale water demands. New York, NY, USA: United Nations, p. viii, 86 p.: 30 fig., 6 tab.
Solar energy R&D in the European Community. Series G. .
solid waste management practices in cochin city. .
IWA -London, GB, International Water Association, Solutions through innovation. International Water Association (IWA), London, UK, p. 8 p. : 2 fig., photogr.
SOMO-werkdokument. .
K. E. South Nyan Homa-Bay, Sonbo newsletter. South Nyanza Bongu Organization, Homa-Bay, Kenya.
Sonderpublikation der GTZ. .
SOPAC miscellaneous report. Suva, Fiji: SOPAC (South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission).
F. J. S. O. P. A. C. - Suva, SOPAC news. SOPAC (South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission), Suva, Fiji.
F. J. S. O. P. A. C. - Suva, SOPAC water and sanitation. SOPAC (South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission), Suva, Fiji.


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