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Found 188 results
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Vand Water Lands, Gravity fed rural piped water schemes : design engineer's manual. Malawi, Department of Lands, Valuation and Water, Lilongwe, Malawi, p. 42 p.: fig., 1983.
W. Stinson, Information systems in primary health care, vol. ser. 1, no. 6. Washington, DC, USA: American Public Health Association (APHA), 1983, p. 76 p.: fig.
P. Cross, Communications support for sanitation programmes : a guide to issues, methods and implementation procedures. International Reference Centre for Waste Disposal, Duebendorf, Switzerland, p. v, 114 p.: fig., tab., 1982.
B. E. European C. Brussels en Frascati, I. T. E. U. R. O. N. E. T. - D. I., The invisible ingredient. EEC-ECSC, Brussels, Belgium, p. video (20 min.): VHS, Pal, 1982.
J. Waterhouse, Water engineering for agriculture. London, UK: Batsford Academic and Educational Publishers, 1982, p. 395 p.: tab., fig.
A. Harlaut en Hyden, H., Computer technology in water resources planning = Datorteknik for vattenresursplanering, vol. no. 01:78.4. SWECO-VBB, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 17 p. : 7 fig., 1978.
G. B. Water Rese Swindon, Cost information for water supply and sewage disposal, vol. no. 61. Water Research Centre, Stevenage, UK, p. 627 p. : fig., tab., 1977.
University of Oklahoma -Norman, OK, US, Data requirements. University of Oklahoma. Bureau of Water and Environmental Resources Research, Norman, OK, USA, p. 2 p. + 28 p. appendixes, 1975.
M. C. Freeman, Saboori, S., Porter, S., en Rheingans, R., Assessing the sustainability & effectiveness of school WASH projects : a toolkit. Center for Global Safe Water at Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA, p. 72 p.
M. Herzka, Togo, B. )Le Pont (, en Assogba, K., Gerer votre organisation : tome 2 : communication, evaluation et auto-evaluation, vol. Fascicule VII. Projet d'Assistance au Developpement du Secteur de l'Alimentation en Eau Potable et de l'Assainissement en Milieu Rural, Cadjehoun, Benin, p. 40 p. : 8 box., 4 fig.


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