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Found 23551 results
V. Escamilla, Wagner, B., Yunus, M., Streatfield, P. K., van Geen, A., en Emch, M., Effect of deep tube well use on childhood diarrhoea in Bangladesh, Bulletin of the World Health Organization, pp. p. 521 - 527 : 2 fig., 1 tab., 2011.
S. P. Luby, Halder, A. K., Huda, T., Unicomb, L., en Johnston, R. B., The effect of handwashing at recommended times with water alone and with soap on child diarrhea in rural Bangladesh : an observational study, PLoS Medicine, p. 5 p.; 3 tab., 2011.
I. K. Tumwebaze en Niwagaba, C., Effect of integrated social marketing on sanitation promotion in urban slum communities : case of three parishes in Kawempe division, Kampala – Uganda : paper presented at the East Africa practioners workshop on pro-poor urban sanitation and hygiene, Laic, presented at the 2011-03-31, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2011, p. 7 p.; 9 photographs.
L. Whaley en Webster, J., The effectiveness and sustainability of two demand-driven sanitation and hygiene approaches in Zimbabwe, vol. 1, nr. 1, pp. 20-36 : 5 fig., 5 tab., 2011.
E. Dusingizumuremyi, Ruzibiza, P., en Nkurunziza, T., Effectiveness of eco-toilets’ management in public places, case of Kigali city : paper presented at the East Africa practioners workshop on pro-po.., presented at the 2011-03-31, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2011, p. 6 p.
C. Elbers, Godfrey, S., Gunning, J. W., van der Velden, M., en Vighi, M., Effectiveness of large scale water and sanitation interventions : the one million initiative in Mozambique. S.n., S.l., p. 39 p.; 17 tab.; 2 fig., 2011.
A. Biran, Enabling technologies for handwashing with soap : a case study on the tippy-tap in Uganda : global scaling up handwashing project. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, S.l., p. 30 p.; 1 box; 2 tab.; 4 photographs, 2011.
D. Silva C. Wells, Butterworth, J., Sutherland, A., en Green, C., Engaging with the realities of governance, 2011, pp. p. 379 - 386; 3 boxes; 1 fig.
D. Mitlin, Equity and gender : pathfinder 2011. Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity, SHARE, S.l., p. 52 p.; 2 fig.; 1 tab.; 3 boxes, 2011.
R. Narayanan, van Norden, H., Gosling, L., en Patkar, A., Equity and inclusion in sanitation and hygiene in South Asia : a regional synthesis paper. UNICEF, S.l., p. 17, xix p.; 3 tab.; 1 fig.; photographs, 2011.
V. Duti, Moriarty, P. B., en E. Gaze, T., Establishing the building blocks for sustainable water service delivery in Ghana : a conference paper presented at the 6th Water Supply Network Foru.., presented at the 2011-12-01, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2011, p. 20 p.; 3 fig.; 1 tab.
T. Chaka, Yrgu, L., Abeba, Z., en Butterworth, J., Ethiopia : lessons for rural water supply : assessing progress towards sustainable service delivery, Triple-S Country Studies. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 44 p.; 3 tab.; 10 boxes, 2011.
Ethiopia Strategy Support Program [ESSP] II Working Paper. International Food Policy Research Institute, IFPRI, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2011.
J. R. Vera Delgado, The ethno-politics of water security : contestations of ethnicity and gender in strategies to control water in the Andes of Peru, Thesis. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Agricultural University Wageningen, 2011, p. xxiv, 257 p.; ill.; 12 tab.; 8 fig.; 2 maps; 14 photographs.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Evaluating household water treatment options : health-based targets and microbiological performance specifications . Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization (WHO), 2011, p. v,59 p.; boxes; tab.; fig.
W. - P. Schmidt, Norman, G., en Poor, W. S. U. P. Water and, Evaluating the health impact of urban WASH programmes : an affordable approach for enhancing effectiveness : a discussion paper. Sanitation and Hygiene Applied Research for Equity, SHARE, S.l., p. 32 p.; 2 tab.; 2 fig.; 1 box, 2011.
E. Perez, Evaluating the political economy for pro-poor sanitation investments. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p. 8 p.; 2 fig.; 2 boxes, 2011.
S. M. Kerstens, Legowo, H. B., en Gupta, I. B. Hendra, Evaluation of DEWATS systems in Java, Indonesia [Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems]. S.n., S.l., p. 11 p.; 5 tab.; 5 fig., 2011.
K. Warr, Gaffen, M., Rajagopal, A., en Mishra, M., Evaluation of drum and wenexa : assessing the impact of usaid - india’s distribution reform, upgrades and management program and its water and energy nexus program . USAID, Washington, DC, USA, p. iv, 86 p.; 9 fig.; 12 tab.;boxes, 2011.
M. Weinger, The evidence base for school WASH : USAID’s experience : powerpoint presentation on december 6th 2011, "Getting School WASH Right", Emory University. USAID, S.l., p. 9 slides; ill., 2011.
A. J. Takala, Arvonen, V., Katko, T. S., Pietilä, P. E., en kerman, M. W. Å., The evolving role of water co-operatives in Finland, The international journal of co-operative management, pp. p. 11 - 19; 2 tab.; 2 fig., 2011.
D. Patel, Brooks, N., en Bastable, A., Excreta disposal in emergencies : bag and peepoo trials with internally displaced people in Port-au-Prince, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 61-77 : 3 fig.,4 photogr., 4 tab., 2011.
B. Scott, Jenkins, M., en Kpinsoton, G., Experiences from rural Benin : sanitation marketing at scale. Water and Sanitation Program, WSP, Washington, DC, USA, p. 16 p.; 3 tab.; 6 fig.; 5 photographs; 2 boxes, 2011.
J. T. Visscher, Bastemeijer, T. F., en Butterworth, J., Exploring the integrity challenge in the water sector : paper presented at the IRC symposium ‘ Pumps, Pipes and Promises: Costs, Finances and Accountability for Sustainable WASH Services' in The Hague, The Netherlands from 16 - 18 November 2010, presented at the 2011-07-19, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2011, p. 14 p. : 2 fig., 6 tab.
E. Mukulu, Oyugi, L., en Mwarania, S., External factors influencing the sustainability of micro and small piped water enterprises in Kenya’s peri-urban areas, International journal of humanities and social science, pp. p. 198 - 206; 8 fig., 2011.


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