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Found 23551 results
R. Bassono, Gregoire, K., en Verstraete, L., Systems strengthening in fragile contexts : lessons learned through practice. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, Ghana, p. 38 slides, 2022.
C. Kanshio, Jarawaza, M., Whitfield, B., en V. Mugwaneza, dePaul, Taking stock of the political commitments on systems strengthening for WASH service delivery in Africa. p. 42, 2022.
L. Cascuna, Taking taps to premises: strengthening household connections. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p. 12, 2022.
Tirer parti des partenariats pour atteindre les services universels d'eau, d'assainissement et d'hygiène pour tous. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p. 26, 2022.
Y. Lugali, Town sanitation planning as a tool for sanitation budget prioritization in small towns in Uganda. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p. 13, 2022.
S. Abaidoo, Djandoh, A., Bocoum, D., en E. Hakponde, Y., The transition from political to financial commitment - The processes and tools used to get there. p. 54, 2022.
R. Bassono, Triple Nexus approach: humanitarian development cohesion social in the field of drinking water in Burkina Faso. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p. 7, 2022.
R. Bassono, Triple Nexus approach: Humanitarian development - cohesion social - in the field of drinking water in Burkina Faso. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p. 7, 2022.
A. Libey, Chintalapati, P., Kathuni, S., Amadei, B., en Thomas, E., Turn up the dial : system dynamics modeling of resource allocations toward rural water supply maintenance in East Africa, vol. 148, nr. 4, pp. 1-10 : 5 fig., 3 tab. + supplemental materials [1 MB], 2022.
Uganda Water and Environment Week 2022, Water Resources Institute, Entebbe, Uganda, 2022.
The Uganda Water and Environment Week 2022, Water Resources Institute Uganda, Uganda, 2022.
H. Nuwamanya, Umbrellas of water and sanitation: management of water systems by umbrella authorities. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p. 13, 2022.
A. S. Boakye-Ansah, Understanding Pro-Poor Water Strategies in Urban Water Services. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p. 8, 2022.
G. Hutton, Guatam, A. P., Bori, S., Dietvorst, C., en McSpadden, B., UNICEF global WASH knowledge management strategy 2022-2025. UNICEF, New York, NY, USA, p. 56 p. : 9 fig., 19 photogr., 1 tab., 2022.
W. Turimaso, Unlocking systemic challenges to WASH through town sanitation planning in small towns. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p. 17, 2022.
K. Gyasi, Unresolved challenges with urban sanitation delivery in Ghana: case of GAMA SWP. IRC , Accra, Ghana, p. 17, 2022.
W. H. O. World Heal Organization, UN-WATER Global analysis and assessment of Sanitation and drinking Water: Data portal. WHO, 2022.
L. Osterwalder, Hailegiorgis, B., en Mebrate, E., USAID Transform WASH business models. USAID Transform WASH and IRC WASH, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, p. 18 p. : 17 fig., 5 tab., 2022.
P. Bouteloup, Macina, B., en Adokor, M. I., The use of performance monitoring data for regulating and improving water services in small towns. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p. 28, 2022.
P. Bouteloup, Macina, B., en Adokor, M. I., Utilisation des données de suivi des perfomances pour la regulation et l’amelioration des services d’eau dans les petits centres. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, p. 28, 2022.
C. Fonseca en Boot, N., Value for money analysis : experience and impact. UNICEF, IRC & Water For People, New York, NY, USA, p. 12 p. : 3 boxes, 3 fig., 1 tab., 2022.
L. Denny, WASH and health sector alignment. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 6 p. ; 1 fig., 2022.
M. C. Ayoreka en Watsisi, M., WASH FIT approach, a sure way of strengthening WASH systems in healthcare facilities of Kabarole District, Uganda. Government of Ghana, IRC, UNICEF, Accra, Ghana, p. 30 slides, 2022.
P. Hutchings, Cooper, S., Butterworth, J. A., Joseph, S., kebede, A., Parker, A., Terefe, B., van Koppen, B., en IRC, Water and emotion : testing a new approach for monitoring water security among Afar pastoralists in Ethiopia, vol. 3, pp. 1-12 : 3 fig., 2 tab., 2022.
U. Denkyira E. Assembly, Ghana, I. R. C., Service, G. Health, en Anesvad, Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) master plan : Upper Denkyira East Municipal Assembly. 2022, p. 62 p. : 8 fig., 34 tab.


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