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IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, IRC - water newsletter. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands.
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, The Hague, NL, IRC-GB-96-22 : Meeting of the Governing Board of IRC (Dutch members only) on Friday, 25 October 1996 at the offices of IRC : as ammended . IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 7 p.
IRCWD news. .
IRCWD report. .
C. H. I. R. E. D. - Geneva, IRED on-line newsletter. Development Innovations and Networks, Geneva, Switzerland.
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute -Nagpur, IN, NEERI, Iron removal plant in ferro-cement construction and maintenance. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, NEERI, Nagpur, India, p. 40 p. : tab., techn. drwngs.
E. Obuobie, Keraita, B., Danso, G., Amoah, P., Cofie, O., Raschid-Sally, L., en Drechsel, P., Irrigated urban vegetable production in Ghana : characteristics, benefits and risks. City Farmer, Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture, Vancouver, BC, Canada, p. 150 p. (16 seperate PDF-files).
Irrigatie uit een moeras een hydrologische studie van de Nannizwamp in Suriname. .
Irrigation and drainage systems. .
Irrigation in the Andean community : a social construction. .
ISO standards handbook. .
ISPAN report. .
I. Ministry o IL, Israel environment bulletin. Israel, Ministry of the Environment, Jerusalem, Israel.
Issue 657, Signalementen : overzicht overheidsinformatie. .
Land Enviro Water, Issue Paper 1 : overview of the water sector, reform swap and financial issues : paper for the Joint GOU/Donor Review for the Water and Sanitation Sector 24-26th September 2002, Kampala. Uganda, Ministry of Natural Resources, Directorate of Water Development, Kampala, Uganda, p. 21 p. : 4 boxes, 3 tab.
Issue paper / Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Studies Project (Pakistan). .
Institute des Sciences et des Techniques de l'Equipement et de l'Environnement pour le Developpement -Paris, FR, ISTED, ISTED monthly newsletter [ISTED e-news]. ISTED, Institute des Sciences et des Techniques de l'Equipement et de l'Environnement pour le Developpement, Paris, France.
B. D. I. T. N. - B. U. E. T. B. Dhaka, ITN Bangladesh newsletter. ITN-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Philippine Center for Water and Sanitation - International Training Network Foundation -Manila, PH, PCWS-ITNF, The ITN (Philippines) newsletter. ITN (Philippines) Training Network Center, Local Water Utilities Administration, Manila, Philippines.
ITN Philippines progress report january-june 1991. .
ITN research series. ITN-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
It's not a private matter anymore. .
IUCN environmental policy and law paper. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature.
IUCN strategies for sustainable development handbook series. .
IUCN sustainable development series. .


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