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Found 23564 results
Documents techniques de l'IDE. .
Does helminth infection affect mental processing and educational achievement?, Parasitology today. .
Do-it-yourself / Centre for Development of Rural Technology. .
J. - A. L. Geere, Hunter, P. R., en Jagals, P., Domestic water carrying and its implications for health : a review and mixed methods : pilot study in Limpopo Province, South Africa, Environmental health, p. 13 p.; 5 tab.; 3 fig.
Domestic water use in the new guinea highlands: the case of the raiapu enga. .
C. R. P. A. H. O. - San Jose, Dos microprogramas de saneamiento basico (agua y letrinas). Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), San Jose, Costa Rica, p. VHS.
Dossier de IIED. International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK.
Dossier technologies et developpement. .
Dossiers, etudes et formation. .
I. N. Society fo Delhi, Down to earth. Society for Environmental Communications, New Delhi, India.
Draft working paper on an overview of school sanitation and hygiene education developing countries. .
World Neighbors -Oklahoma City, OK, US, Drink pure water (Africa). World Neighbors, Oklahoma City, OK, USA, p. Slide series (43 slides + text, 12p.).
Drinking - water and sanitation 1981 - 1990 a way to health. .
N. Rosemann, Drinking water crisis in Pakistan and the issue of bottled water : the case of Nestlé's 'Pure Life'. p. iv, 37 p.
UNICEF -New York, NY, US en WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Drinking water : equity, safety and sustainability : thematic report on drinking water. p. 60 p.; 40 fig.; 2 tab.
G. A. McFeters, Drinking water microbiology : progress and recent developments. New York, NY, USA: Springer Verlag.
Drinking water safety international. .
C. H. S. K. A. T. - St. Gallen, Drinking water supply and environmental sanitation : 20 basic books. SKAT (Swiss Centre for Development Cooperation in Technology and Management), St. Gallen, Switzerland, p. 13 p.
Drinking water supply and sanitation in Latin America, 1981-1990 : papers on selected social and economic aspects. .
Drinking water supply and sanitation project in Sri Lanka. .
Drinking water supply in developing countries : necessity, expectations, bottlenecks. .
K. E. African Wa Nairobi, Droplets : a newsletter of the African Water Network. African Water Network, Nairobi, Kenya.
Dryland networks programme issues paper. .
Netherlands Water Partnership -The Hague, NL, NWP, Dutch water sector : 2009-2010. Nijgh Periodieken, Schiedam, The Netherlands, p. 134 p.; ill.
DWA case study . .


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