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E. W. Lindeijer, The use of a reversible flow-rate restrictor (RFR) in piped water supply in India. S.n., S.l., p. 29 p.: fig., 1985.
M. Gracey, Burke, V., en Robinson, J., Use of non-carbonated soft drinks to provide safe drinking water, Annals of tropical paediatrics, pp. p. 3-6: tab., 1985.
UNDTCD -New York, NY, US, The use of non-conventional water resources in developing countries, vol. no. 14. New York, NY, USA: United Nations, 1985, p. xviii, 278 p. : 26 fig., 2 maps, 26 tab.
T. Viraraghavan en Ayyaswami, A., Use of peat in wastewater treatment with special reference to onsite systems, in Water and sanitation in Asia and the Pacific : 10th WEDC Conference, Singapore, 28-31 August 1984 : proceedings, 1985, pp. P. 120-122.
C. Mann, The Valley Trust : water and sanitation projects. Valley Trust, Botha's Hill, South Africa, p. 47 p.: fig.,ill., 1985.
D. D. Mara, Ventilated improved pit latrines : guidelines for the selection of design options, vol. no. 4. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. iii, 18 p.: ill., photogr., fig., 1985.
P. R. Morgan en Mara, D. D., Ventilated improved pit latrines : Zimbabwean brick design, vol. no. 1. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. iv, 47 p.: fig., tab., 1985.
T. F. Bastemeijer, Volta Noire project, Burkina Faso. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. Slide series (100 slides + text, 3p.), 1985.
S. A. Abbasi en Nipaney, P. C., Wastewater treatment using aquatic plants : survivability and growth of salvinia molesta (mitchell) over waters treated with zinc (II) and the subsequent utilization of the harvested weeds for energy (biogas) production, Resources and conservation, pp. p. 47-55 : fig., tab., 1985.
J. Pickford en Cotton, A., Water and sanitation in Asia and the Pacific : 10th WEDC Conference, Singapore, 28-31 August 1984 : proceedings. Water, Engineering and Development Centre, Loughborough University of Technology, WEDC, Loughborough, UK, p. iv, 239 p.: tab., fig., ill., 1985.
B. D. Hanson, Water and sanitation technologies : a trainer's manual, vol. T-32. Peace Corps, Washington, DC, USA, p. 369 p.: ill., fig., 1985.
G. Lindh, Water and the city, Rev. ed. Paris, France: UNESCO, 1985, p. v, 56 p.: photos.
UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific -Bangkok,TH, ESCAP en United Nations -New York, NY, US, Water as a factor in energy resources development, vol. no. 60. New York, NY, USA: United Nations, 1985, p. 77 p.: tab., fig.
R. L. Jolley, Davis, W. P., Katz, S., Roberts, M. H., en Bull, R. J., Water chlorination : chemistry, environmental impact and health effects. Vol. 5 : Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Water Chlorination : Environmental Impact and Health Effects : Williamsburg, Virginia, June 3-8, 1984. Lewis, Chelsea, MI, USA, p. 1575 p.: tab., fig., 1985.
M. Enge, Water hygiene in Botswana : from water hygiene campaign to educational programme : final report. SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, S.l., p. 73 p.: ill., photogr., 1985.
H. M. Scholten, Water purification by aquatic macrophytes : a literature study. Limnologisch Instituut, Nieuwersluis, The Netherlands, p. 90 p.: tab., 1985.
I. D. Yayasan Di Yogyakarta, Water purification with Moringa seeds, Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 22-23: ill., 1985.
P. C. Noordam, Stuyfzand, P. J., Kruithof, J. C., van der Kooij, D., Groennou, J. T., Noordsij, A., en van der Gaag, M. A., Water quality aspects of riverbank filtration in the Netherlands, Water supply : the review journal of the International Water Supply Association, pp. p. 41-50: fig., tab., 1985.
I. N. Internatio Delhi, Paris, F. R. U. N. E. S. C. O. -, en United Nations -New York, NY, US, Water resources for rural areas and their communities : abstracts Vth World Congress on Water Resources : 9-15 June 1985, Brussels, Belgium. Crystal Drop Publications, Gent, Belgium, p. Ca. 300 p., 1985.
V. De Kosinsky en De Somer, M., Water resources for rural areas and their communities : proceedings of the Vth World Congress on Water Resources : 9-15 June 1985, Brussels, Belgium. Crystal Drop Publications, p. 2 vol. (1106 p.), 1985.
E. Jungfer, Water resources management for village water supplies in Al Mahwit province, Yemen Arab Republic, in Water resources for rural areas and their communities : proceedings of the Vth World Congress on Water Resources : 9-15 June 1985, Brussels, Belgium, 1985, pp. P. 523-532.
G. B. Commonweal London, Water Resources of Small Islands : technical proceedings (Part 2) from the Workshop on Water Resources of Small Islands : 27 June - 9 July 1984, Suva, Fiji, vol. no. 154. Commonwealth Science Council, London, UK, p. iii, 530 p.: ill., fig., tab., 1985.
M. Danikh, Overmeeren, R. A., Elewaut, E., Gamal, N., Qadir, N. A., Elderhorst, W., en van der Gun, J. A. M., Water resources of the Sadah area : technical annexes. TNO-DGV, Groundwater Survey, Delft, The Netherlands, p. 216 p.: fig., graph, map, 1985.
O. J. Helweg, Water resources : planning and management. New York, NY, USA: Wiley, 1985, p. 364 p.: fig., tab.
A. Mitra, Water, sanitation and rural women, in Water and sanitation in Asia and the Pacific : 10th WEDC Conference, Singapore, 28-31 August 1984 : proceedings, 1985, pp. P. 79-82: photogr.


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