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Found 23565 results
S. T. Wong en Azimi, M. R., Perception and attitude of Thai villagers toward an improved rural water supply management system, in Water resources for rural areas and their communities : proceedings of the Vth World Congress on Water Resources : 9-15 June 1985, Brussels, Belgium, 1985, pp. P. 861-869.
S. Niyogi en Das, D. K., Performance of pour flush toilet, in Water and sanitation in Asia and the Pacific : 10th WEDC Conference, Singapore, 28-31 August 1984 : proceedings, 1985, pp. P. 192-195: fig., tab.
M. Department Unit, Piped water for the villagers. Overseas Film and Television Centre, London, UK, p. film (31 min.): 16 mm, 1985.
H. E. Perrett, Planification de la communication (information, motivation et education) pour aider a la realisation de programmes d'assainissement, vol. no. 2. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 33 p.: ann., 1985.
J. Bunnag-Haile, Planning a breast-feeding promotion campaign, vol. no. 3. PSC and Training Section, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 17 p.: 2 exercises, 1985.
USAID -Washington, DC, US en WASH -Arlington, VA, US, Planning and design for community water supply : AID/WASH Workshop, Arlington, Virginia, June 28-29, 1985. Arlington, VA, USA: Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), 1985, p. various pagings.
Economic Development Institute -Washington, DC, US, Planning for maintenance : instructor guide, vol. no. 12. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 58 p.: ill., tab., 1985.
S. Laver, Plasticized charts. Blair Research Laboratory, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 3 charts: ill., 1985.
G. Bellen, Anderson, M., en Gottler, R., Point-of-use reduction of volatile halogenated organics in drinking water. Cincinnati, OH, USA: US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1985, p. xi, 74 p.: fig., tab.
F. Lisk, Popular participation in planning for basic needs : concepts, methods and practices : a study prepared for the International Labour Office within the framework of the World Employment Programme. Aldershot, UK: Gower, 1985, p. ix, 277 p.
S. S. D. Foster, Potable groundwater supplies and low-cost sanitary engineering : how compatible?, Natural resources forum, pp. p. 125-132, 1985.
UNDP -New York, NY, US, WHO. Regional Office for South-East Asia -New Delhi, IN, SEARO, en Colombo, L. K. Marga Inst, Potential and constraints for increasing the success of rural water supply and latrine construction projects through community participation : a study of four village level projects in Sri Lanka. World Health Organization South-East Asia Regional Office, New Delhi, India, p. 32 p., 1985.
J. H. Austin en Edwards, D. B., Preimplementation workshop on the water supply and sanitation sector project: National Water Supply and Drainage Board of Sri Lanka, vol. no. 151. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. 55 p.: fig., 1985.
B. Gryseels en Gigase, P. L., The prevalence of intestinal parasites in two suburbs of Kinshasa (Zaire) and their relation to domestic water supplies, Tropical and geographical medicine, pp. p. 129-132: tab., 1985.
W. G. Dassen en Matser, E., Problemas ambientales en barrios marginados, Contaminacion ambiental, pp. p. 11-16: fig., 1985.
American Society of Agricultural Engineers -St. Joseph, MI, US, Proceedings of the Fourth National Symposium on Individual and Small Community Sewage Systems : December 10-11, 1984, Hyatt Regency New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisana, vol. 07-85. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, US, p. v, 381 p.: fig., tab., 1985.
UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific -Bangkok,TH, ESCAP, Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Systems Analysis for Water Resources Development, vol. no. 61. United Nations, New York, NY, USA, p. 163 p. : fig., tab., 1985.
UN Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific -Bangkok,TH, ESCAP, Proceedings of the Tenth Session of the Committee on Natural Resources, vol. no. 59. United Nations, New York, NY, USA, p. viii, 316 p.: tab.,fig., 1985.
S. F. Benitez, Programa de educacion sanitaria escolar : area rural : manual del cursillo de lucha contra la parasitosis intestinal : dirigida a maestros de escuelas primarias instructivo para la unidad .. inspectores de saneamiento. Paraguay, Servico Nacional de Saneamiento Ambiental (SENASA), Asuncion, Paraguay, p. 42 p.: fig., 1985.
W. de Boeck, Programma evaluatie SNV Nepal : Community Water Supply and Sanitation (CWSS). SNV Netherlands Development Organization, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 46 p.: fig., ill., 1985.
T. H. U. N. I. C. E. F. Eas Bangkok, Programme communication : a handbook on communication strategy development for child survival and development programmes, vol. no. 1. UNICEF Regional Office for East Asia and Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 27 p. + 7 annexes, 1985.
R. Haile, Programme communication for water and sanitation in the socialist republic of the Union of Burma. UNICEF, Yangon, Myanmar, p. 31 p.: tab., 1985.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Programme for control of diarrhoeal diseases : fourth programme report 1983-1984. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 101 p.: fig.,tab., 1985.
L. Moncada, Collins, D., Cordon, O., en Faigenblum, J., Progress evaluation of the rural water systems and environmental sanitation project Peru, vol. no. 134. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), Arlington, VA, USA, p. ix, 119 p.: 4 fig., 8 tab., 1985.
N. L. S. N. V. - The Hague, Projet Hydraulique Rurale : cinq ans d'assistance dans le domaine de l'hydraulique rurale au Rwanda 1979-1984. SNV Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda, 1985.


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