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Found 23565 results
C. O. Convenio C. Bogota, Convenio Colombo Holandes : evaluacion interna: Guaviare. Convenio Colombo Holandes, Bogota, Colombia, p. 388 p.: tab., 1985.
C. O. Convenio C. Bogota, Convenio Colombo Holandes: evaluacion interna : Uraba. Convenio Colombo Holandes, Bogota, Colombia, p. 263 p.: tab., 1985.
C. O. Convenio C. Bogota, Convenio Colombo Holandes : evaluation interna : Choco. Convenio Colombo Holandes, Bogota, Colombia, p. 475 p.: tab., 1985.
M. Olsson, Apelis, E., en Wasilewski, J., The co-ordination, development, and implementation of non-formal education in Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea, Ministry of Education, Waigani, Papua New Guinea, p. iii, 332 p.: tab., 1985.
R. W. Parkinson en De Rosa, P. J., Corrosion of ductile iron pipes, vol. no. 241. Marlow, UK: Water Research Centre, 1985, p. iii, 79 p.: fig., photogr.
D. Padoongchob, Cost analysis of rural water supply in Thailand. Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 95 p.+ 7 app.: Fig., tab., tech. drwng., 1985.
C. A. Ruiz, Curso de abasto de agua para poblaciones. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, p. 301 p.: fig., 1985.
WHO -Geneva, CH, World Health Organization, Decennie Internationale de l'Eau Potable et de l'Assainissement : cooperation technique entre pays en developpement : experiences acquises en matiere de planification nationale pour la decennie : processus de planification et realisations a. World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland, p. 19 p. ; fig., tab., 1985.
G. Bellen, Anderson, M., en Gottler, R., Defluoridation of drinking water in small communities. US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Cincinnati, OH, USA, p. xiv, 158 p.: tab., fig., 1985.
Economic Development Institute -Washington, DC, US, Demand forecasting : instructor guide, vol. no. 5. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 121 p.: fig., tab., 1985.
K. D. Nelson, Design and construction of small earth dams. Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Inkata, 1985, p. xi, 116 p.: fig., tab., photogr.
D. D. Mara, The design of pour-flush latrines, vol. no. 15. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. iv, 36 p. : fig., tab., 1985.
B. - BT, Design of rural water supply systems. Bhutan, Royal Government, Thimphu, Bhutan, p. 27 p.: fig., schemes, tab., 1985.
R. J. Otis en Mara, D. D., The design of small bore sewer systems, vol. no. 14. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. iv, 52 p. : fig., tab., 1985.
B. Leedham en Pickford, J., Developing world water [1985]. London, UK: Grosvenor Press, 1985, p. 552 p.: ill.
P. Edwards, Dirty water. Longman Publishers, Harlow, UK, p. 32 p. : fig., 1985.
C. H. I. S. O. - Geneva, Documentation : methods for examining documents, determining their subjects, and selecting indexing terms, vol. no. 5963. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland, p. iii, 5 p.: fig., 1985.
J. Dop, Domestic rural water-supply in Al Bayda province, Yemen Arab Republic, in Water resources for rural areas and their communities : proceedings of the Vth World Congress on Water Resources : 9-15 June 1985, Brussels, Belgium, 1985, pp. P. 629-639.
C. Hannan-Andersson, Domestic water supply improvements in Tanzania : impact on rural women. S.n., Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, p. 67 p.: fig., 1985.
M. Nichter, Drink boiled water : a cultural analysis of a health education message, Social science and medicine, pp. p. 667-669, 1985.
D. Schoenen en Schoeler, H. F., Drinking water materials : field observations and methods of investigation. Chichester, UK: Ellis Horwood, 1985, p. 195 p.: fig., tab.
UN Economic Commission for Lation America and the Caribbean -Santiago, CL, ECLAC / CEPAL en CL, C. Natural Re, Drinking water supply and sanitation for the dispersed rural population in Latin America. United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Santiago, Chile, p. v, 27 p.: tab., 1985.
O. Ogedengbe, Dual-media filtration with sand and palm kernel shells, International journal for development technology, pp. p. 251-260, 1985.
M. M. Schenkveld, East Mpanda rural development project, in Water resources for rural areas and their communities : proceedings of the Vth World Congress on Water Resources : 9-15 June 1985, Brussels, Belgium, 1985, pp. P. 547-556.
Economic Development Institute -Washington, DC, US, Economic cost benefit analysis : instructor guide, vol. no. 4. World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 180 p.: ill., tab., 1985.


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