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Found 23564 results
P. Cross en Brocklehurst, C., Building coherence in global-regional-national monitoring : keynote paper for Topic 6 of Symposium 2013, presented at the 2013-03-01, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2013, p. 11 p.; 1 fig.
C. D. Parape, Premachandra, C., Tamura, M., Bari, A., Disanayake, R., Welikanna, D., Jin, S., en Sugiura, M., Building damage and business continuity management in the event of natural hazards : case study of the 2004 tsunami in Sri Lanka, Sustainability, pp. p. 456 - 477; 12 fig.; 9 tab., 2013.
D. Auerbach, The business of waste, Aid in action : delivering on results, p. 3 p.; photographs, 2013.
P. - P. Andersen, Can agriculture meet future nutrition challenges?, The European journal of development research, pp. p. 5 - 12, 2013.
A. Turton, Can water governance deepen democracy in South Africa? Towards a new social charter for mining, International journal of water governance [IJWG], pp. p. 65 - 87; 4 fig.; 2 tab., 2013.
U. S. A. I. D. United Sta Development, Can water meters ease Kenya’s supply woes?, vol. March - April 2013. USAID, Washington, DC, USA, p. 1 p.; 2 photographs, 2013.
R. George, Celebrating Womanhood How better menstrual hygiene management is the path to better health, dignity and business, presented at the 2013-03-01, Geneva, Switzerland, 2013, p. 24 p.
L. Mehta, Challenges and achievements in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for women and girls : ensuring rights to water and sanitation.., presented at the 2013-03-04, New York, NY, USA, 2013, p. 8p.
S. Carriger, van der Grift, V., en Jaffrey, M., Communications strategy development tool. IRC, The Hague, The Netherlands, p. 47 p., 2013.
L. Mekonta en Boelee, E., The Community Managed Project (CMP) approach and potential to promote multiple uses of water, vol. 7. IRC, The Hague, the Netherlands, p. 14 p.: 17 fig., 3 tab., 2013.
C. Pendly en Obiols, A. Lucia, Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Case Study. 2013.
S. Smits, Uytewaal, E., en Sturzenegger, G., ¿Cómo institucionalizar sistemas de monitoreo del servicio de agua en zonas rurales? : lecciones de Honduras, El Salvador y Paraguay, vol. 526. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo and IRC, Washington, DC, USA, p. 20 p. : 5 boxes, 1 fig., 2 tab., 2013.
S. Smits, Uytewaal, E., en Sturzenegger, G., ¿Cómo institucionalizar sistemas de monitoreo del servicio de agua en zonas rurales? Lecciones de Honduras, El Salvador y Paraguay, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, IDBTN-526, 2013.
W. Li, Du, Z., Ling, F., Zhou, D., Wang, H., Gui, Y., Sun, B., en Zhang, X., A comparison of land surface water mapping using the normalized difference water index from TM, ETM+ and ALI, Remote sensing [Remote sens.], pp. p. 5530 - 5549; 4 fig.; 3 tab., 2013.
D. Desille en Rangama, J., Concevoir et mettre en œuvre une stratégie de sensibilisation à l’hygiène et de promotion de l’assainissement, Programme Solidarité Eau, France, 2013.
D. Schaub-Jones, Considerations for the successful design & implementation of ICT systems in the WASH sector, in Topic 4 : ICT for monitoring sustainable service delivery, 2013, p. 17 p. : 5 fig.
J. Selby, Cooperation, domination and colonisation: the Israeli-Palestinian Joint Water Committee, Water alternatives : an interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development, pp. p. 1 - 24; 8 tab.; 2 fig., 2013.
F. Foundation en IRC, Cost analysis of rural water supplies in Kabarole District. p. 5 p., 2013.
N. Chun, Cost recoverable tariffs to increase access to basic services among poor households, vol. 342. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, p. v, 21 p.; 6 tab.; 3 fig., 2013.
A. Potter, Zita, J., Naafs, A., en Uandela, A., Costs and effectiveness of hygiene promotion within an integrated WASH capacity building project in Mozambique, vol. S03. IRC, 2013.
A. Potter, Zita, J., Naafs, A., en Uandela, A., Costs and effectiveness of hygiene promotion within an integrated WASH capacity building project in Mozambique, IRC, The Hague, 2013.
L. van Vuuren, Counting the lost drops : study into non-revenue water shows we can do more, The waterwheel, pp. p. 14 - 18; ill., 2013.
K. Danert en Narkevic, J., Country-led and country-wide monitoring of rural and small towns water supplies, presented at the 2013-03-01, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2013, p. 12 (+2) p.; 4 fig.; 1 tab.; 2 boxes.
C. Pezon, Agognon, F., en Bassono, R., Coût, performance et régulation des petits réseaux de distribution d’eau potable au Burkina Faso, IRC, La Haye, No 2 , 2013.
IRC, Critical Gaps in Operationalising NRDWP Guidelines and Policy Initiatives, Indian high-level roundtable on sustainable drinking water services. IRC, 2013.


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